L ATIN T ERMS. A : lacking, none, without asexual, abiotic Ab : away from, out of absent; absorption Ad : to, toward adhesive; adhesion Anti : against.


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Presentation transcript:


A : lacking, none, without asexual, abiotic Ab : away from, out of absent; absorption Ad : to, toward adhesive; adhesion Anti : against Antisocial; antibiotic; anti-inflammatory Audi, audio: hear audible; auditorium; auditory Auto: self Autobiography, autograph -ase: enzyme DNA polymerase

Bi : two, twice, double Binary fission; Bicycle, bipartisan, biceps Bio : life; living Biology; biography; biosphere; bioengineering Cardio : of or relating to the heart Cardiac, CPR, cardiologist Cerebr : brain Cerebrum, Cerebral cortex Chloro: green Chlorophyll, chloroplasts -cide: kill Insecticide, homicide, spermacide Con, co, com: with, together Converge, codominance, community, congregate Cyto, cyte: cell Cytoplasm; leukocyte

Derm : skin Epidermis; dermatology; dermatologist Di : two dicot; divergent Diplo: double Diploid, diplococcus Ecto: outside ectotherm -emia: condition of the blood Anemia, leukemia Endo, en: inner, inside Endothermic, endoskeleton Ex, exo: out of Exit, exoskeleton

-gen : producing; causing Carcinogen, antigen, pathogen Glyc : sweet Glycogen, hypoglycemia, glycerin, glycolysis -gram: write, record Telegram, diagram, cladogram Hemo : blood Hemophilia; hemoglobin Hetero : different Heterosexual; heterozygous Homo; homeo: same; alike Homosexual; homozygous; homeostasis Hydro: water Hydrologic cycle Hyper: above; over; beyond Hyperactive; hyperextended, hypertonic Hypo: beneath; under Hypodermic needle; hypotonic, hypothermia; hypoglycemia

Im, in : with, into Immigration Iso : equal Isotonic, isometric, Isosceles triangle -itis : inflammation; disease Appendicitis; Dermatitis; hepatitis Leuko : white Leukemia, Leukocyte -lysis: decomposition, dissolving Glycolysis; lysosome Meso: middle Mesopotamia; mesoderm, mesophyll Mono: single Monopoly; monotone; monorail; monhybrid

-morph : form Metamorphosis Neuro: neuron (nerve cell) Neurotransmitter, neuropathy, neurology -ology : study of Biology; ecology; zoology; geology -osis: condition or process Mitosis, meiosis, photosynthesis Path: disease pathogen Peri: around Peripheral nervous system Phago: to eat Phagocyte; phagocytosis

-philic : having a preference for hydrophillic -phobic : having an aversion to hydrophobic Photo : light Photograph; photosynthesis Phyto, phyte : plant Phytoplankton, Bryophyte Pod: foot Podiatrist; cephalopod; pseudopod; arthropod Poly: many Polygon, polygenic trait Re-: again, new Regeneration, renewable, recycle Sperma-relating to sperm or seed Spermatogenesis; spermacide

Tel, telo : end telophase -therm : heat Thermometer; thermostat; endotherm; hypothermia Tox : poisonous Toxin; toxic; toxicology Trans : across Transcontinental; transatlantic; transgenic -troph : feed Autotroph; heterotroph -tropism: response Geotropism; phototropism Uni: single, one Unicellular; unicycle Zoo: animal zoology Zyg: yolk; pair Zygote; heterozygous; homozygous