Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS Assessments COGNITIVE LEVELS
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY FCAT items assess Sunshine State Standards, and are designed to comply with Goal 3/Standard 4 of Florida ’ s System of School Improvement and Accountability: Florida students use creative thinking skills to generate new ideas make the best decisions recognize and solve problems through reasoning interpret symbolic data develop efficient techniques for lifelong learning
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY Cognitive effort needed Not the same as item difficulty Not related to distractors LevelsCognitive Demand Low Single Step to solve ModerateMutliple Steps needed High Multiple Steps and/or Analyze, Synthesize
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS READING Percentage of Points by Cognitive Complexity Level GRADESLOWMODHIGH
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS Reading Low Complexity Recall, observe, question, represent basic facts Demonstrate simple skills/abilities Require basic understanding of text Verbatim recall from text or simple understanding of a single word or phrase Skills Identify meaning of grade-level words Locate details in text, graph, chart, or diagram Recognize order of events Identify figurative language
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS Reading Moderate Complexity Two-steps: 1. text comprehension, 2. processing Simple inferences within text Summarize, infer, classify, gather, organize, compare, display, explain, describe, interpret Skills: Use context clues to identify unfamiliar word meaning Determine how details support main idea Interpret information in graphs, charts, and diagrams Identify cause-and-effect relationships Determine author ’ s main purpose or point of view Identify similarities and differences Demonstrate understanding of plot development Recognize elements of plot Recognize patterns of organization Summarize the major points of a text Compare word meanings
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS Reading High Complexity Explain, generalize, make multiple connections Several steps with abstract reasoning & planning Support conclusions Identify theme, implicit main idea, make complex inferences within or across text Take information from at least one portion of the text and apply to a new task Perform complex analyses of connections among texts Skills Analyze the use of figurative language Show how graphs, charts, and diagrams contribute to a text Determine author ’ s purpose/point of view/describe how it affects text Evaluate strong vs. weak arguments Analyze similarities and differences Describe and analyze characteristics of various types of literature Describe and illustrate how common themes are found across texts Analyze cause-and-effect relationships
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS MATH Percentage of Points by Cognitive Complexity Level GRADESLOWMODHIGH
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT Mathematics Low Complexity Recall, recognition: learned concepts & principles Skills: solve a one-step problem compute a sum, difference, product, quotient evaluate a variable expression, given specific values for the variables recognize or construct equivalent representation recall or recognize a fact, term, or property retrieve information from graph, table, figure identify appropriate units/tools for common measurements perform a single-unit conversion
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT Mathematics Moderate Complexity Flexible thinking/choice among alternatives More than a single step Reasoning/problem-solving strategies to decide what to do Combine skill & knowledge from various domains Skills solve a problem requiring multiple operations solve a problem involving spatial visualization and/or reasoning select and/or use different representations, depending on situation and purpose retrieve information from a graph, table, or figure and using it to solve a problem determine a reasonable estimate extend an algebraic or geometric pattern provide a justification for steps in a solution process compare figures or statements represent a situation mathematically in more than one way formulate a routine problem, given data and conditions
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT Mathematics High Complexity More abstract reasoning, planning, analysis, judgment, & creative thought Think in an abstract and sophisticated way Skills perform procedures with multiple steps & decision points solve a non-routine problem (as determined by grade-level) solve a problem in more than one way describe how different representations can be used for different purposes generalize an algebraic or geometric pattern explain and justify a solution to a problem describe comparing and contrasting solution methods provide a mathematical justification analyze similarities & differences between procedures & concepts formulate an original problem, given a situation formulate a mathematical model for a complex situation analyze or produce a deductive argument
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS SCIENCE Percentage of Points by Cognitive Complexity Level GRADESLOWMODHIGH
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT Science Low Complexity Recall and recognition of previously learned concepts and principles Items typically specify what the student is to do Carry out a procedure that can be performed mechanically Skills Identify a common example or recognize a concept Retrieve information from a chart, table, diagram, or graph Recognize a standard scientific representation of a simple phenomenon Calculate or complete a familiar single-step procedure or equation using a reference sheet
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT Science Moderate Complexity More flexible thinking More than a single step or thought process Reasoning and problem-solving strategies to decide what to do Knowledge from various domains Skills Apply or infer relationships among facts, terms, properties, or variables Describe examples & non-examples of scientific processes or concepts Predict or determine logical next step/outcome Compare or contrast structures or functions of different organisms or systems Choose appropriate formula or equation to solve a problem & then solve it Apply/use concepts from a standard scientific model or theory
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT Science High Complexity Heavy demands on student thinking Abstract reasoning, planning, analysis, judgment, and creative thought Skills Construct models for research Generalize or draw conclusions Design an experiment, given data and conditions Explain or solve a problem in more than one way Provide justification for steps in a solution or process Analyze an experiment to identify a flaw and propose a method for correcting it Interpret, explain, or solve a problem involving spatial relationships Predict a long-term effect, outcome, or result of a change within a system
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS SCIENCE Percentage of Points by Cognitive Complexity Level GRADESLOWMODHIGH
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS Writing+ Low Complexity Recall & recognize of learned concepts/principles Does not include complex synthesis or analysis but involves understanding of simple facts Recognize traits that distinguish something as a member of a category Demonstrate simple skills or abilities Prewriting process of grouping ideas or words (as in a brainstorming activity) Simple spelling or vocabulary tasks Compose simple sentences Perform familiar, mechanical tasks Basic understanding of the writing process Skills categorize information insert end punctuation in a sentence add an – s to change a word from singular to plural
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS Writing+ Moderate Complexity More flexibility of thinking and choice among alternatives Student decides what to do Apply knowledge about the elements of writing Process and manipulate text Skills determine the relevance, placement, or quality of detail apply the purpose for writing to the task apply knowledge of conventions
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS Writing+ High Complexity Explain, generalize, or make multiple connections Abstract reasoning & planning Focus, organization, support, & conventions to demonstrate understanding of the writing situation — including the intended audience, occasion, or purpose — as a prerequisite to recognizing and producing effective writing Demonstrate insightful and involved with the subject knowledge of writing Apply skills to accomplish a new task, such as a demand writing situation in which the prompt or stimulus for writing is unknown to the student beforehand and cannot be read to or interpreted for the student Support conclusions
Welcome to the Data Warehouse HOME HELP COGNITIVE LEVELS FCAT SSS Writing+ High Complexity (continued) Mature command of language and complex sentence structures Show synthesis and analysis Integration and evaluation of appropriate compositional elements Analyze the presentation and maintenance of a central theme, topic, or unifying point Make a complex inference within or across compositions Skills evaluate the effectiveness of a written response according to audience and purpose develop a composition using the writing process analyze and apply complex conventions