Work Package 4 Learning Process for Reflective Policy Making 3rd TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE AND STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING 18 Sept – Thessaloniki (Greece) partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
WORK PACKAGE 4.1 Learning inputs from past actions analysis 2 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.1) - #1 Objective 1 Methodology, guidelines & tools (1) scientific group -> done (mail sent to implementation – and support group on 22 Nov’12) Objective 2 Regional-based policies assessment reports (13) implementation – with support group -> done (121 factsheets and 47 survey questionnaires in total received by 27 Mar’13*) -> done (12 reports received by 18 Jun’13*) 3 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.1) - #2 Objective 3 Overall impact assessment dossier (1) scientific group -> in process (report written and draft versions sent to PPs 21 Jun’13 and 11 Jul’13 for feedback; only 1 PP provided feedback to date ; finalisation still needed!) ? final deadline for feedback (4 Oct’13) ? ? report finalisation & publication ( -WHEN- ) ? 4 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
WP4.1 report - Major conclusions (1) 5 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013 The major finding from the analysis performed is the huge difference in the level of cluster policy development and operations of cluster organisations, which affects all 6 cluster development areas. Hence the biggest challenge for policy makers will be in the lowering of such differences and in the homogenisation of operating conditions for clusters, with focused actions adapted to their level of development. One the biggest opportunities lies in the knowledge transfer and the transfer of good practices from more to less developed regions /countries /cluster organisations. A potential solution to lower such disparities could also be also in the development of focused international cluster networks, with the aim of transferring accumulated knowledge, good practices and experiences on different levels (policy makers / cluster organisations / cluster members).
WP4.1 report - Major conclusions (2) 6 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013 In most cluster organisations there is a wider problem of financing and obtaining financial resources for further cluster development and operations. (The problem differs depending on the level of development of the cluster policy / country / prior cluster tradition.) One potential solution to this problem could be the more intensive involvement of financial institutions in the membership of cluster organisations (in all clusters analysed, there are only 3 financial institutions). (In this way, cluster members could get into closer contact with financing institutions, which would help them the to better present their companies and operations, and potentially receive credits for their operations.)
WP4.1 report - Major conclusions (3) 7 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013 Regarding cluster financing, there are very big differences concerning the share of public and private funds. An reccomendation to cluster organisations would be to adequately balance the structure between public and private financing, especially to those where public financing exceeds the threshold of 50%. From the responses is evident that countries (cluster organisations) where public financing sources exceed the proposed level, focus their lobbying mostly on “national” policy makers, whilst there are little possibilities. To overcome such financial constraints, certain clusters have also developed innovative solutions (e.g. Romania).
WP4.1 report - Limitations (1) 8 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013 The first major limitation of the study is the huge difference in the countries / regions regarding the level of development and operations of cluster policy, thus it is difficult to arrive at general conclusions. The second main limitation concerns the comparability of knowledge regarding the way in which the data collection was performed by different interviewers. (It was almost impossible to verify this element, because certain countries / regions have very few clusters, with a short cluster policy history (e.g. Albania), while in other countries / regionds there is a rich cluster presence and history / “background”.)
WP4.1 report - Limitations (2) 9 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013 A further major limitation concerns the selection of “representative” clusters, proposed by the partners of a country / region, i.e. sampling. Project partners interviewed the clusters of their choice, but such clusters may not really be representative of the country / region. (They could be, but we do not know.) In some countries / regions, clusters have just started to be established and it can be expected that they will have to deal with totally different problems and challenges than clusters in developed countries / regions with longer cluster policy traditions.
WP4.1 report - Limitations (3) 10 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013 Another limitation could also be the respondent bias: certain partners when performing the interviews (for different reasons) interviewed cluster members instead of official representatives of the cluster organisation. This could be a very strong limitation, because in certain aspects the interests may vary between these two target groups. (Unfortunately we do not know exactly which countries / clusters decided to approach the data collection and respondents selection in such a manner. Potentially, another questionnaire could be developed and targeted to cluster members, to verify the potential differences between official cluster organisation representatives and cluster members.)
WP4.1 report - Limitations (4) 11 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013 Even with the limitations just presented, which we did for the purpose of „scientific truth“, we believe that that the present study represents a solid analysis for setting further cluster policy strategies and initiatives. *Thank you all for your contribution.*
WORK PACKAGE 4.2 New contribution from innovative info sources gathered from workshops 12 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.2) - #1 Objective 1 Methodology, guidelines & tools (1) scientific group; -> done (mail sent to implementation – and support group on 30 Apr’13) Objective 2 Regional-based foresight exercise reports (13) implementation – with support group; target date: 30 Apr’13 28 Jun’13 -> in process (mail sent to implementation – and support group on 26 Apr’13; 2 months to carry out 2 workshops & write report thereon; only 5 PPs provided feedback to date * > reports (Excel + Word) needed!!!) ? final deadline (30 Sep’13) ? 13 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.2) - #2 Objective 3 ClusterPoliSEE report on foresight exercise (1) scientific group; target date: 31 May’13 31 Jul’13 -> not yet started (overall report to be written, based on feedback reports from implementation – and support group) ? new deadline (1 Nov’13) ? ? final deadline (22 Nov’13) ? ? report finalisation & publication ( -WHEN- ) ? 14 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
WORK PACKAGE 4.3 Policy learning from current regional policies framework 15 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.3) - #1 Objective 1 Methodology, guidelines & tools (1) scientific group; target date: 31 Oct‘12 -> done (mail sent to implementation – and support group on 7 Dec’12) Objective 2 SWOT regional-based analyses (13) implementation – with support group; -> done (12 reports received by 8 Jul’13*) 16 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.3) - #2 Objective 3 ClusterPoliSEE SWOT final report (1) scientific group; target date: 31 Jan’13 31 May’13 -> in progress (overall report to be written, based on SWOT-analyses from implementation – and support group) ? new deadline (1 Nov’13) ? ? final deadline (22 Nov’13) ? ? report finalisation & publication ( -WHEN- ) ? 17 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
WORK PACKAGE 4.4 Learning / understanding from study visits and benchmarking 18 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.4) - #1 Objective 1 Study visits-toolbox (1) ERDF-PPs 9, 10; target date: 30 Nov‘12 -> done (mail sent to PPs of the study visit group on 30 Nov’12) Objective 2 Study visits incl. reports, peer review recommendations (6) Study visit group/all PPs; target date: 31 Jul’13 30 Nov‘13 -> in process (5 study visits already carried out, 1 last study visit to be carried out: 21, 22 Nov’13* in Novi Sad, host(s) Serbia / Moldavia (?)) -> Please all participating PPs – submit reports after study visits! -> Please all hosts – submit host reports! (4 out of 5 to date*) 19 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Status Quo (WP4.4) - #2 Objective 3 Comparative benchmarking analysis (1) ERDF-PPs 9, 10 ; target date: 31 Oct’13 30 Nov’13 -> concept drafted (PPs will be informed of concept and possible information needs / feedback beginning of October) ? new deadline (21 Dec’13) ? ? final deadline (13 Jan’13) ? ? report finalisation & publication ( -WHEN- ) ? 20 partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013
Thank you for your attention. Christina Windisch (Project Manager) EU Affairs / Public Consulting Phone: +43 (1) – 336 Fax: +43 (1) – partner: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - AWS (PP9) presenter: Christina Windisch place: Thessaloniki (Greece) date: 18 September 2013