Plans for establishment of national system (NIS) in the Czech Republic Pavel Fott, CHMI UNFCCC workshop, Bonn, 12 April 2005
TABLE OF CONTENTS History of Czech GHG Inventories (overview) Present state (= before NIS) of the management in the GHG Inventory preparation in the Czech Republic Main characteristics of NIS Proposed institutional arrangements and allocation of responsibility Expected problems with implementation
Czech GHG inventories, history First attempt to compile the Czech GHG Inventory according to the draft version of the IPCC methodology was done by the nongovernmental organisation SEVEn (in co-operation with CHMI) in 1994 for the year 1990 as a part of the “Country studies project” supported by the U.S. Government. The first version compiled by CHMI as the official inventory agency under Ministry of Environment supervision was compiled in 1995 for years 1990 – 1993
Historical survey of compiling and reporting Data Methodology Calculation sheets and reporting IPCC (1995) Standard and Summary data Tables (contains also activity data + aggreg. EFs) Elaborated in , Revised since CRF Revised IPCC Calculations: inter-joined Excel sheets from Workbook and other sheets Reporting: Sectoral and Summary Tab. (neither activity data, nor EFs reported) Elaborated in Revised IPCC Calculations: inter-joined Excel sheets + gradual impl. from Workbook and other sheets Good Practice Reporting: Common Reporting Format (CRF: also activity data + IEFs reported) Elaborated in Czech versions of NIR from 1995, since 2002 (data 2000) English NIR
Present Role of Inventory Agency Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI): Governmental institute established and supervised by Ministry of Environment. It serves as inventory agency for air pollutions issues including GHGs 3 experts involved in compilation Activities: Management, general issues, reporting, QA/QC, Agriculture, LUCF, participation in compiling also in Energy and Industry) Responsibility – concentrated (not allocated). Only CHMI (+Ministry) as inventory agency is responsible for the GHG inventory compilation Financial support from Ministry by means of projects, which are only temporary (e. g. for 3 year period), fortunately always restored (but not definitively)
Cooperating institution – present state COOPERATING INSTITUTIONS (2 institutions involved) Financial support: contracted by CHMI annually (resources from project solved by CHMI for Ministry) Responsibility - limited: only before approval of contract by CHMI 1) Koneko marketing: small private organisation specialised on energy statistics and air-emissions issues 2 experts involved in GHG inventory Main activities: Energy (1A, 1B), Solvent Use, part of Industry 2) Centre of Environmental Research, Charles University 1 expert involved in GHG inventory Main activity: Sector Waste
Cooperating experts – present state INDIVIDUAL EXPERTS (about 6 experts together) Financial support: remuneration for work is very limited, contracted by CHMI annually (resources from project solved by CHMI for Ministry) Responsibility – very limited: only before approval of contract by CHMI Tasks of individual experts: ad hoc consulting work and expertise provided directly for CHMI, namely in following sectors/sub-sectors: detailed agricultural statistics, detailed forestry statistics, inquiry on F gases usage, chemical technology, etc.
Main gaps, imperfections and problems Scientifically demanding sectors (Agriculture, LUCF) are not covered properly by specialised institutions with perfectly skilled experts Limited responsibility of co-operators lowers their motivation to be more perfect Inventory work carried out only by means of temporary project is not systematic enough. Moreover, in former times climate changes issues were a bit underestimated by our officials Support only from Ministry of Environment (my means of temporary projects) limits systematic communications with other governmental institutions (including Statistical Office) not covered under Ministry of Environment. Present QA/QC is not sufficient and effective
Three pillars for implementation of NIS Kyoto protocol has been ratified and has entered into force (article 5.1) COP decision 20/CP.7 (Marrakech, 2001): „Guidance for national system under article 5 of the Kyoto Protocol“ Decision of European Parliament and Council no. 280/2004/EC Ministry of Environment is responsible for implementation of NIS in the Czech republic. It has been elaborated plan/concept of this implementation which has been already approved.
Main rules in applying NIS Sound and more stable institutional arrangements –For each single IPCC sector one institution is responsible for compilation –Nomination of leading organization for inventory coordination and management, general and crosscutting issues (uncertainty, consistency, key sources), reporting, QA/QC, communication with EU and UNFCCC Allocation of responsibilities –CHMI under supervision of Ministry responsible for general issues: coordination, general methodological principals (IPCC guidelines), reporting, coordination, QA/QC etc. –Sector institutions responsible for sectoral aspects of inventory (extent of responsibility is higher) –CHMI is also sector leader for industry + product use
Expected institutional arrangement Ministry of Environment: overall responsibility, contacts with Statistical Office, other gov. bodies General issues, management - CHMI, 3 experts Energy – KONEKO marketing, 2 experts, Priv. –Mobile sources, CDV Brno, 3 experts, Gov., New Industry – CHMI, 2 experts, Gov. Agriculture – Inst. of soil biology, 2 exp., Gov., N LUCF – IFER, 1 expert, Priv., New Waste – Centre of Env. Res., 1 exp., Gov.
Expected problems with implementation of NIS Czech national team believes, that compiling inventory under NIS will be more effective. Nevertheless it will be necessary to overcome some problems: Newly incoming institutions (usually of scientific orientation) have not been yet familiar with inventory and reporting practices. It will be necessary to overcome some transition period Old institutions should adapt to the new and more demanding system (higher responsibility) Much more effective system of QA/QC must be implemented under the NIS
Thank you for your attention More detailed information about activities of the Czech inventory team (including results) you can find on the CHMI – Climate Change website: s for contacts: