C ROSS I NSTITUTIONAL C OLLABORATIONS : B UILDING P ARTNERSHIPS FOR S TUDENT S UCCESS Montgomery College Prince George’s Community College University of Maryland University College
P RESENTATION O UTLINE Kresge Research Goals Research Findings Interventions Panel Discussion
I MPETUS FOR THE P ARTNERSHIP 100 Community College Students 30 Earned an A.A. 40 Stop Out 20 Transfer to a 4-yr Institution 20 Still Enrolled 12 Earn a 4-yr Credential in 6yrs 6 Stop Out 2 Still Enrolled What factors contribute to student success at the four- year institution? o Community college students are 45% of all undergraduate students o In MD, SB 740 Career and College Readiness and College Completion Act focuses on improving the completion pipeline
I NSTITUTIONAL P ARTNERS MC Diverse population of over 60,000 students a year from 75 difference countries PGCC Diverse population of over 40,000 students from 103 countries UMUC Online, open-enrollment university Over 90,000 students enrolled online Transfers from PGCC or MC
K RESGE P ROJECT O VERVIEW PGCC and MC Student Data UMUC Student Data Predict Student Success Intervene to Improve Student Performance
P ROJECT S TAGES Build partnerships across segments to better understand student needs Develop a cross-institutional database with students’ academic history to profile and benchmark student success Analyze student success using data mining and predictive modeling Implement interventions to promote transfer student success
LMS Online Classroom PGCC data Kresge Data Mart MC data Base Extract Spring 2005 to Spring 2011 UMUC Student Info Sys Data Warehouse (current) CRM Advising
R ESEARCH F OCUS Describe student performance and persistence at UMUC Use demographic factors and community college course- taking behaviors to predict success Community College Data Next Semester Re- Enrollment Retention UMUC First Term GPA Graduation Define student success at UMUC: First semester GPA Re-enrollment Retention
C OMMUNITY C OLLEGE T RANSFER S TUDENTS A RE S UCCESSFUL AT UMUC UMUC GPA Mean GPA = % GPA ≥2.0 Re-Enrollment 65.9% (n=5973) Retention 78.2% (n=7083)
UMUC S UCCESS Q UADRANTS Strivers (17%) Despite earning low grades, Strivers hang in and return to UMUC to continue their studies. Stars (59%) Stars do well academically and re-enroll within a year. Slackers (15%) Low GPA, no persistence… Slackers are out of here. Splitters (9%) Splitters don’t stay at UMUC, even though their grades are satisfactory. GPA <2.0 GPA ≥2.0 Not Retained Retained
P REDICTORS OF F IRST T ERM GPA AT UMUC Positive Predictors Older Married Successful Course Completion at CC Successful Math Completion at CC Successful English Completion at CC CC GPA CC Cumulative Credits Negative Predictors Minority Received PELL Grant Withdrawals Non-Significant Female Taken Honors Taken Dev Ed Taken Online
P REDICTORS OF R E -E NROLLMENT Predictors Minority PELL Grant Received Married Female Taken Dev Ed CC GPA CC Cum Credits First Term GPA at UMUC While not associated with performance, minority status and receiving a PELL grant at the CC are associated with persistence
Academic Support Social and Institutional Integration Goal Setting I NTERVENTION F OCUS
I NTERVENTIONS TO P ROMOTE S TUDENT S UCCESS Collaborative: Developmental Education Math UMUC: Accounting 220 and 221 UMUC Student Resource Checklist College Success Mentoring Program Jumpstart Summer Community Colleges: MC: Girls to Women and Boys to Men PGCC: Diverse Male Student Initiative
MC: G IRLS TO W OMEN AND B OYS TO M EN Women’s Mentoring and Boys to Men (MC) Serves minority at-risk students Focuses of academic and life skills Academic support: Online tutoring – Educate Online Starts with high school students Provides mentoring as required Scholarships for some students
PGCC: D IVERSE M ALE S TUDENT I NITIATIVE Serves minority at-risk male students Focuses of academic and life skills Two-year structured program with two-day summer institute Strong faculty and peer mentoring Provide role models and networking opportunities Build community of support among participants Goal is to guide students to succeed