5.2 Describe the basic stages of growth and development FACS 5.2
Basic stages of growth and development Prenatal— conception to birth Infancy--first year of life Toddler--1-2 years old Preschool--3-5 years old School-age years old Adolescents- teen years
Prenatal –Period of the Zygote (1 st two weeks)- Grows by cell division and attaches to uterine lining –Period of the Embryo (3 rd -8 th weeks)- Major body systems are developed along with placenta and amniotic sac –Period of the Fetus (9 th week to birth)- Major body systems are functioning and baby is more active and gaining weight
Infancy Triples birth weight Develops ability to see, hear and use their other senses Develops hand-eye coordination Begins to move around and explore their world Begins to develop motor skills –Movements begin at the head and work towards other parts of the body
Toddler Becomes more independent Increased weight and height Appearance of teeth Further development of motor skills Requires less sleep than before Toilet training usually begins between 18 months and 3 years
Preschool Involves vigorous activity and practice Refining of physical skills Signs of physical develop: Increased weight and height Legs lengthening rapidly Continued development of basic motor skills Ability to dress and undress Greater small motor skills coordination Fingers, arms, and hand movement
School-age Learns to participate in activities that require skilled movements Begins to experience stress Understands between right and wrong Learns to interact with others Spends more time away from home
Adolescence- The Teen Years Usually begins with puberty Has ability to reason and think of alternatives to problems or actions. Friendships become stronger Family remains a stable base for teens