What is 4-H? Youth development program that provides a supportive setting for all youth to mature into competent, caring and responsible adults through the learning of beneficial life skills.
What is 4-H? 4-H is a volunteer led, educational program. 4-H is intended to supplement, not replace, regular education. 4-H is an informal educational program for all boys and girls, whether they live in the city, the country, or on a farm. The basic philosophy in 4-H is to strengthen the mental, physical, moral and social development of boys and girls; therefore, helping develop more desirable citizens and leaders.
Who may belong to 4-H? For all boys and girls who are at least 8 years of age by January 1 and who have not passed their 19th birthday by January 1 can join 4-H. A special Clover Program is offered for children ages 5-7.
4-H at a Glance… MOTTO “To Make The Best Better” SLOGAN “Learn by Doing” EMBLEM The 4-H Emblem is the four-leaf clover with the letter “H” on each leaf, standing for head, heart, hands and health. COLORS The 4-H colors are green and white. Green symbolizes nature’s most common color and represents life, springtime, and youth. White symbolizes purity.
4-H at a Glance… I Pledge: My head to clearer thinking, My heart to greater loyalty, My hands to larger service, and My health to better living, For my club, my community, My country, and my world.
4-H at a Glance… Mission 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults. Vision A world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change.
Learn By Doing “Learn by Doing” is the basis for all 4-H experiences. 4-H is youth and adults growing together to become better citizens. As teaching methods, 4-H uses learning-by-doing projects, club meetings, community service, events and experiences for young people and adults as they work toward attaining citizenship and leadership-developing life skills.
Why and When did 4-H start? 4-H began in the U.S. in 1902 as a means of reaching parents with improved farm and home practices. It was based upon the assumption that if new ideas were instilled in the minds of the youngsters, they would convince their parents to try these innovations. The first organized 4-H clubs were small groups covering a single topic such as beef, corn, gardening and canning.
Why and When did 4-H start? 4-H has evolved from the “teach improved practices to farmers and homemakers through their children” idea. Today, the objective is the development of boys and girls, providing a wide variety of learning opportunities in which all youth can participate.
How Big is 4-H? Nationally targeting: Young boys and girls of all ethnicities, races, and ages from urban, suburban, and rural areas (4-H ages 8-18) (4-H Clovers ages 5-7). Open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. In 2007, Maryland 4-H enrollment was nearly 50,000 youth ages 8-18. National 4-H enrollment is 6.5 million young people currently in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; along with U.S. Army and Air Force installations worldwide.
Why do kids and teens like 4-H? They have fun with friends at meetings, social activities, camps, and fairs and on tours and trips. They have opportunities to provide leadership to younger children and to learn more about themselves.
Why do kids and teens like 4-H? While all youth are different, they are also alike in many ways. Four inner desires are shared by all youth: They want to belong. They want to achieve. They want to become independent. They want experiences and adventure. The wide variety of “learn by doing” projects, activities, and events which make up the 4-H program contribute to meeting these needs.
How can they get involved? Many 4-H programs are community based with the leadership provided by adult and teen volunteers. Each county and Baltimore city has programs that are designed to meet the needs of kids, teens, and the volunteers who work with them. So 4-H can look very different in different places. Can be involved in: Community or project clubs After school programs Special interest groups Overnight or day camps
What is a 4-H Club? Group of five or more young people guided by an adult 4-H leader approved through Maryland Cooperative Extension volunteer process. Each club has an educational plan that meets the purposes of the 4-H program. They meet on a continual basis, usually once a month at a location convenient for the members of the club such as a church, fire hall, community center. Some meetings may be held at other locations in conjunction with a community service activity or a trip.
What is a 4-H Club? Uses a youth centered approach to learning which means that programs and activities in 4-H are focused on interests and needs identified by young people. For example when starting a club, the members name their club. After the club is established, the members set goals each year, make plans to reach those goals, carry out their plans, and asses their progress.
What is a 4-H Club? Youth are involved in leadership and decision making roles because the club “belongs” to their members. Most clubs have officers that are elected by the members. The president runs and operates the meeting just as if it were an adult meeting. At the meetings, they normally have their business, a project or special interest program, recreation and social activities. Length can vary depending on the activity or project a club is involved in.
Who can help? 4-H is a family program and parents and other adult family members are encouraged to take an active role in 4-H clubs and at home. Many 4-H parents and grandparents volunteer as organizational, project, or special activity leaders. Others help in different ways, depending on their abilities, schedules, and available time.
Who can help? Volunteers are essential to the successful delivery of the 4-H programs. These adult volunteers work directly with youth in the Maryland 4-H program. They receive training from 4-H faculty and staff to organize and work with 4-H clubs. With their guidance and instruction, 4-H members learn project and life skills involving decision making, communication, problem solving, responsibility, cooperation, and more. Leaders and volunteers play the role of facilitator, coach, mentor, guide, teacher, partner, and advisor whose guidance, encouragement, understanding, and recognition helps members learn how to set realistic goals and achieve them.
Who can help? But in addition to adult and teen volunteers and parents, a successful organization and operation of 4-H clubs is also a result of teachers and staff of cooperating organizations. These people work with 4-H members to create a positive experience that meets their interest and helps them develop these essential life skills.
What are the benefits of 4-H club participation? Long-term involvement in a stable setting Interaction with caring adults Provides in-depth experiences Chance to meet life-long friends Opportunities to develop and practice leadership skills Gain self confidence Learn by doing Give back to the community Build positive connections with others
What activities are there? The 4-H events are educational activities that supplement the 4-H project work. Some are demonstrations, field trips, fashion review, fairs, camps, conferences, and judging events. These are offered at the club, county, regional, state, national, and even international levels. They are all designed to be fun for kids and teens and to give them opportunities to learn new things. Many of these help youth increase their self confidence, sense of responsibility, and ability to work with others while developing essential life skills involving decision making and problem solving.
What educational programs are there? Educational programs are designed to help members learn more about subjects of general interest in the entire 4-H program. 4-H teaching is unique - it is “learning by doing”. Good 4-H teaching employs seeing, hearing, and doing. The educational programs include talks and demonstrations by the members, volunteers, or outside speakers.
What are projects? Projects provide the basis of the 4-H program by offering various educational experiences. Carrying out a project will help the member “learn by doing” as well as learn “why” things happen the way they do. The project is the teaching tool that can be used to develop many desirable traits in addition to the more evident project skills.
What are projects? Projects are real life experiences that help 4-H’ers learn to make sound decisions. Projects put the hands and mind to work. The selection of 4-H projects has expanded greatly over the years. There are now over 200 different projects to choose from with a variety of different phases or degrees of advancement. Most of the projects have been planned with several phases so that a member may advance to more difficult and challenging activities. 4-H projects take on a wide variety of interests and activities and are designed to attract members regardless of their place of residence, economic status, or race.
What are projects? There are more than 200 projects to choose from in areas such as: Animal science Food and fitness Citizenship Leadership Environmental science Aerospace Computers The projects are planned work that is of interest to the member that is guided by a 4-H adult, teen leader or parent and is aimed at planned objectives that can be obtained and measured and summarized by some form of record keeping. Youth can pick whatever projects they think are interesting. For example: Cats/Dogs Rockets Photography Babysitting Wildlife/Fishing Gardening Fashion Bicycle Woodworking Crafts Public Speaking
What are the objectives of 4-H projects? Give a feeling of achievement. Strengthen family and community ties. Provide members the opportunity to: Provide a sense of belonging Assume responsibility Provide healthful competition Provide leisure time activities Explore career opportunities and thus the need for continued education. All projects are, in a sense, career explorative, giving each member a taste of the work and responsibilities involved. And Many More!
How are projects conducted? Project work is conducted through various activities and events such as: Projects meetings in the local club Tours Demonstrations and talks at regular club meetings Family activities or work at home Exhibiting at shows and fairs Record keeping
Why Experiential Learning? As an integral part of the 4-H mission, the process of “learn by- doing” or experiential learning, is an essential component of all 4-H programs and curricula. The learn-by doing approach allows youth to experience something with very little guidance from an adult. Instead of being told “the answers,” they are presented with a problem, situation, or activity which they must make sense of for themselves. Learning by doing is called “experiential learning” because it is based on learning from experiences.
Why Experiential Learning? Consider that we remember: • 20% of what we read; • 20% of what we hear; • 30% of what we see; • 50% of what we see and hear; • 70% of what we see, hear, and discuss; and • 90% of what we see, hear, discuss, and practice.
Life Skills Taught by 4-H 4-H is recognized for making learning fun and for teaching kids to try new things for themselves. 4-H curricula are just as focused on teaching youth important life skills as on teaching any specific subject matter. 4-H learning experiences urge youth to think and learn and apply what they have learned to their lives and surroundings.
Do you want to be a part of 4-H? Allegany County 4-H Office One Commerce Drive Cumberland, MD 21502 301-724-3320 Lacie Ashby, 4-H Educator lashby@umd.edu