Brooklyn Park Youth Violence Prevention Initiative
City of Brooklyn Park
Who?-At Risk Youth Youth ages 8 to 17 who are at higher risk for being a perpetrator or victim of crime. Example: Disconnected and At Risk youth Multiple encounters with criminal justice. Unstable living conditions. Have been suspended or expelled from school. Are victims or witnesses of violence.
Why We will Succeed! We understand the scope of the problem. PERF report, New data analysis, Community Experience Organizational capacity to implement best practices and problem solving strategies. NAP, Youth Opportunities Coalition, JCPP, Champions For Youth, Village Creek Police Station Unequivocal support of city leadership, departments, Schools, and community groups. Council Investment and Leadership, YOC, Champions for Youth etc. Successful strategies and remedies. Support of experts, literature review, Minneapolis Blueprint for Action, League of MN Cities, all customized to meet the needs of Brooklyn Park. The BP Youth Violence Prevention Initiative Plan!
What are we doing about it? Harnessing energy and talent! Zanewood Recreation Center Quality Youth Programming, Safe Place, Mentoring, Nutrition Street Outreach and intervention Center of Hope and Compassion (COHC) Teen employment-Zane Corridor City, COHC, Business, Tree Trust Improved enforcement and Diversion Tracking, early warning, diversion
The BP Violence Prevention Initiative Delivers Physical and psychological safety Appropriate structure Supportive relationships Opportunities to belong Positive social norms Support for self-efficacy and a sense that youth matter Opportunities for skill-building Integration of family, school and community efforts
Zanewood Programs-in Progress and Development Zanewood Recreation Programs Sports, Creative Arts, Health, Life Skills, Drop in fun, Tutoring, Nutrition, and Fitness. Community Use by Partner Agencies BPPAA, COHC, Big Brothers and Sisters, Family Children Services Community Oriented Policing and Outreach Education,Teen Academy, PAL, JCPP, mentoring, Curfew Center Resource Center Nutrition, social service referrals, etc.
How will we know we are succeeding? Evaluation Plan-Monthly measurement and reporting Implementing Best Practices Reduced juvenile crime and victimization Increased connections to programs and services (Improve from 75% un-involvement) Improved perceptions of quality of life for youth and community members Reduced curfew, truancy and other “gateway” offenses Increased awareness and service delivery to immigrant residents
Evaluation and Development ! Measure, Evaluate and Do It Better!!! First Year Identify Measurements, Establish Partnerships, Develop Opportunites, Connect at risk youth, and deliver services. Second Year Improve Service Delivery, Increase opportunities, Expand Collaboratives,
Conclusion Youth crime will decline. Fewer Kids will be hurt by, or commit crimes. Our youth will have more opportunites to grow and be happy. Brooklyn Park will be a better place to live.