UCAS P ROGRESS – ‘S EARCH ’ Replaced Course Finder Went live in this area on 1 st October Please inform us if local courses are not on ‘Search’ Leaflets and posters are available provided by UCAS Progress
L E CAP This year – The process will be exactly the same as previous years. Business as usual this academic year No changes to the timeline or protocols Schools still need a coordinator Support still available Next year – Unknown, discussions are starting to look at options and funding.
C ONNEXIONS WEBSITE Currently information is being kept up to date Discussions are taking place with the city council about future of the site Hope we will keep the content but it may be moved
V ACANCIES ON WEBSITE Still being added Young people can no longer for details Young people have to visit the centre for details Only NEET young people will be seen in the Connexions Centre Young people should register on the NAS website and look at the ad hoc vacancies on the site
S ERVICES FOR NEET YOUNG PEOPLE Leicester City Connexions Centre is still open for business until the plan for delivery of the service is decided following an organisational review. In the Connexions Centre year olds who are NEET - If in EET will be referred back to their learning provider or referred to the National Careers Service website and helpline which is available for age 13+
I N SCHOOLS The service for vulnerable young people to promote positive progression and reduce NEET paid for by the LA only includes - Young offenders - Looked after children - SEN Statement students (Yr 9 stat review and Yr 11 S139a only) - Teen parents - CAF - At risk of NEET – PSP (at Level 2&3), less than 60% attendance
O THER SERVICES Schools’ statutory responsibility to provide independent and impartial careers guidance Schools can buy in these services from Connexions Leicester City for young people needing careers guidance We also offer other services to schools and to parents that are charged for.
R ESOURCES FOR Y OUNG P EOPLE We will not be producing any printed publications Apply Yourself – Guide to using LeCAP is available as a pdf – colourful or basic versions Other resources that you may want to buy include - Which way Now – for year 9s - It’s Your Choice – for year 11s Available from Babcock
O THER INFO We are no longer funded to offer support to schools to help them with developing careers education and information provision Key websites are - Career Mark - CEGNET - Connexions leics.org/learningproviderswww.connexions- leics.org/learningproviders We are developing a menu of other services that schools can buy from Connexions Leicester City
C ONTACTS For UCAS Progress and LeCAP Sheila Cunningham Roz Smith For other services Julia Conlon