Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Marketing Environment Lecture Lesson By Chinmay Das
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Marketing Environment The marketing environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization. There are three key elements to the marketing environment.
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Marketing Environment External Environment -Micro Environment -Macro Environment Internal Environment
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Internal Environment A useful tool for quickly auditing internal environment is known as the Seven M’s.
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Internal Environment Materials Machinery Money Method Market Minute Men
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Internal Environment Production Activities Financial Activities Human Resource Activities Plant Location R&D Strength Company Brand Equity
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack External Macro Environment Demographic Economic Conditions Competition Social and Cultural Forces Political and Legal Forces Technology
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Demographic Size, Distribution and Growth of population
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Economic Conditions Stages of Business Cycle Inflation Interest Rate
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Competition Brand Competition Competition from substitute products Competition with all offerings __________ Differential Advantage
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Social and Cultural Forces Concern about Natural Environment Changing Gender Roles Premium on Time Physical Fitness and Health
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Political and Legal Forces Monetary and Fiscal Policies Social legislation and Regulations Governmental relationship with Industries Legislation related to Marketing
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack Technology Breakthrough can occur New products like LASER, Computer, Robots Radically altering or destroying existing products Indirect Influence
Chinmay Das, ABIT,Cuttack External Micro Environment Market Suppliers Marketing Intermediaries