Tallinn - Innovation based city marketing Taave Vahermägi 13 September 2007
Tallinn Brand Context Place marketing practice is short yet adaptive and consistent; approaches remain same but messages change Tallinn is not the same due to fast changes in recent years but perception does not change so fast Marketing strategy documents consider changes – from low cost and production to innovation and niche market
Key messages, Business Good location - crossroads between technology-rich Scandinavia and resource-rich Russia Business-friendly and stable environment Simple and transparent legislation One of the world’s most liberal economies (Index of Economic Freedom, by The Heritage Foundation) Highly educated and motivated people Tallinn is a Rising Urban Star according to Jones Lang LaSalle
Key messages, Business Estonia’s business culture common with Scandinavian ways of doing business Good base for innovation – good infrastructure, high adaptability to innovative products Flexibility – small volumes, quick deliveries Inventiveness – Estonians are good at finding shortcuts IT-driven city – electronic and mobile applications (Internet banking, M-parking, e-Tax Board, e-Customs, e-elections, digital signature, ID ticket etc).
Key messages, Tourism Medieval heritage - the best preserved Medieval Old Town and Medieval Town Hall in Northern Europe Cauldron of culture - plenty of events and possibilities for entertainment Attractive conference spot and incentive destination - a city that never fails to surprise and impress Countryside just next door - golf, yachting, SPA European Capital of Culture 2011
Key messages, Residents Tallinn is your home – register to be a citizen 2007 dedicated to youth - events and competitions Traditional events e. g Old Town Days, Day of Tallinn are celebrated every year - entertainment for citizens
Innovation aspect City of Universities and young talents High level of material-, bio, and nanotechnology Technology parks and business incubators Cooperation with neighbouring countries and cross- border clusters Ülemiste Innovation City
Proposals for Joint Brand Hansa + joined very different and remote cities, worked well through centuries being not related to any geographic area - complicated to revitalize, not right perception Top of Europe + provocative, can be linked with innovation, locates well - too wide in European context New Nordic + known, existing link with innovation - Nordic = countries of north = only Scandinavia??
Thank you! Welcome to Tallinn