Principal Update Review of August 12 th Professional Development Day, Preview of upcoming Professional Development for K-2 Teachers
August 12, 2013 Review CCSS Overview Grade Level Changes Professional Reading Number Talk Problem Solving Unit 1 Overview Unit 1 Activities Planning Time
Questions and Answers Will the Georgia units be the math curriculum for grades K-2 for the school year? Yes, the expectation is that Kindergarten – 2nd grades will follow the Georgia units as much as possible. You may supplement rigorous tasks as needed using Harcourt and other Common Core resources for mathematics especially for rigorous tasks.
Questions and Answers How will we get access to the required materials to implement many of the tasks? Many of the required manipulatives needed to implement the curriculum are at your school sites as part the Harcourt adoption and some additional materials may also be at sites from the Math Land adoption. Educational Services is in the process of creating a materials/resource list by grade level and unit. This list will include materials available at school sites and additional materials that may by purchased by Educational Services or an alternate will be suggested.
Questions and Answers What additional support will be offered? We will meet in grade groups again on September 16, 2013 for our next professional development day to answer questions, deepen our knowledge of rigor, and delve into unit 2. In addition, a Teacher on Assignment along with one substitute teacher will be assigned to each school at least one day a week, to provide support while we implement Common Core State Standards. Educational Services will also be providing a substitute for an additional planning day in September or in October facilitated by Teacher Specialists. Professional Learning Community on Haiku
Questions and Answers How will the report cards change? When will we get this information? Educational Services will begin aligning the first and second grade report card to reflect the Common Core State Standards and revise the Kindergarten report card as needed including the rubrics. A committee of classroom teachers will be included in the process. This process will be completed as soon quickly as possible to ensure readiness for Trimester 1. Is ESGI still a requirement in Kindergarten? ESGI is a requirement for Kindergarten because it provides teachers with data to inform instruction and plan intervention.
Questions and Answers What are the recommendations for homework? Educational Services recommends that homework reflect the tasks and activities that students will be engaged in during classroom instruction. When will 3rd -6th grades begin implementing the Common Core State Standards? As a district we will begin to implement Common Core State Standards curriculum for 3rd -6th grade in the school year.
Questions and Answers What instructional materials are required per Williams compliance for Mathematics this year? Harcourt Brace materials are the State/District adopted cored instructional materials that all students must have access to for Williams compliance. However, the Common Core Georgia units are the primary instructional materials and resources to be used as they are aligned to the CCSS.
Additional Professional Development- Preview
September 16, 2013 Professional Development Day Preview Unit 1 Reflection Number Talk Problem Solving Unit 2 Activities
3-2-1 Reflection for Unit 1 Based on your instruction and the students’ learning what are 3 positive outcomes, 2 questions/concerns and 1 ah-ha. Get into groups of four and record your answers to the prompt above. Be prepared to share out with the entire group. Each group will share out one “novel” idea. As we share out make sure that you are listening attentively and do not share anything that has already been shared. We will make a group chart of “novel” ideas and collect the group record sheets.
Number Talk Ten Frame/ Dot Card Flash As I flash each card, remember the number of dots and be ready to explain how you remembered. Ask students, “How many dots do you see? How do you see them?” Provide sentence frame to assist EL students: I see _____dots because_______________.
Implementing Number Talks Helpful Hints by Cathy Young Read through the article With a partner, engage in a Think- Write-Pair-Share around the following questions: Which hints will you implement during your math time? What are the benefits of implementing Number Talk during math time; especially for EL students?
Problem Solving Solve the problem with a partner in as many ways as you can. Be prepared to share
Grade Level Suggested Problems
22 Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Discussions 1. Anticipating student responses to challenging mathematical tasks; 2. Monitoring students’ work on and engagement with the tasks; 3. Selecting particular students to present their mathematical work; 4. Sequencing the student responses that will be displayed in a specific order and 5. Connecting different students’ responses and connecting the responses to key mathematical ideas
CCSSM Instructional Time In a standards-based curriculum, effective lessons, units, or modules are carefully developed and are designed to engage all members of the class in learning activities focused on student mastery of specific standards. Such lessons, lasting usually at least 50 to 60 minutes daily (excluding homework), connect the standards to the basic question of why mathematics is relevant, true, and important California CC math Framework, Instructional Strategies, (p. 1)
What does Common Core instruction look like? Teaching Channel Kinder – Beyond Fingers: Place value & the numbers st and 2 nd Grades – Leprechaun Traps: Addition within 100
Georgia Curriculum- Unit 2 Sample Tasks Materials: Kindergarten - Rekenrek
September /October Substitute Release Day Preview CCSSM Depth of Knowledge Unit 2 reflection Number Talk Problem Solving - Article Unit 3 Activities