Transitioning to WIDA Jennifer Paul and Jason Kolb Office of Standards & Assessment May 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Transitioning to WIDA Jennifer Paul and Jason Kolb Office of Standards & Assessment May 2013

The Big News ◦ 2013/14 School Year:  WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT) to replace ELPA Initial Screening in August  WIDA ACCESS for ELLs in Spring of 2014 to replace the Spring ELPA.  WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLS in Spring of

What is WIDA and why are we switching to the WIDA assessments?  WIDA stands for World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment  WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards align to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)  More cost effective than ELPA and joining resources with 31 other states  Title III Advisory Committee unanimously voted to approve movement to the WIDA assessments as well as the adoption of the standards 3

Distinguishing the WIDA Assessments  W-APT (WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test)is the proficiency "screener" test given to incoming students who may be designated as English language learners. Replaces the ELPA Initial Screening.  WIDA ACCESS for ELLs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) is the annual assessment given to Kindergarten through 12th graders who have been identified as English language learners (ELLs). Replaces the Spring ELPA.  WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is the annual assessment of English language proficiency (ELP) for students in grades who are classified as English language learners (ELLs) and have significant cognitive disabilities that prevent their meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs assessment.

5 WIDA Assessment Timeline and

6 Focusing on the W-APT Key Dates  Last date to order any ELPA Initial Screening materials is July 12 th  The last date to use the ELPA Initial Screening and enter scores into the Secure Site is July 26 th  The W-APT will be available for use beginning on August 5 th (W-APT score-entry in Secure Site not available until August 12 th )  Official W-APT Training sessions with WIDA trainer on August 7-8 th  W-APT Secure Site Score-Entry Webinar on August 9th

7 Focusing on the W-APT Wrapping up the ELPA Initial Screening  Any unused ELPA Initial Screening materials need to be securely destroyed after July 26 th  Used secure materials should be sent back to MDE for archiving

Focusing on the W-APT The Basics 8  Adaptive, individually administered  No need to order from or return materials to MDE  Same domains as ELPA Initial Screening  Test remains untimed  Scores will still be entered into Secure Site  No need to “rescreen” students with the W-APT

Focusing on the W-APT Grade Level Clusters 9  K: For students in 2 nd semester Pre-K through 1 st semester Gr. 1  1-2: For students in 2 nd semester Gr. 1 through 1 st semester Gr. 3  3-5: For students in 2 nd semester Gr. 3 through 1 st semester Gr. 6  6-8: For students in 2 nd semester Gr. 6 through 1 st semester Gr. 9  9-12: For students in 2 nd semester Gr. 1 through 1 st semester Gr. 12

Focusing on the W-APT What to expect this summer Further instructions about receiving login information for WIDA’s website – MAKE SURE EEM IS UP TO DATE! Information about the official W-APT Training sessions with WIDA trainer on August 7-8 th and 2013 BAA Fall Conferences Sign up information for the W-APT Secure Site Score-Entry Webinar on August 9 th Note: Check with your local ISD about WIDA standards training 10

W-APT vs. ELPA Initial Screening High Level Comparison 11 W-APTELPA Initial Screening Materials ordered from and returned to MDE? NOYES Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Domains? YES Untimed Administration?YES Adaptive Testing?YESNO Individual Administration for all domains? YESNO Scores entered into Secure Site? YES

Contact Information Jennifer Paul – ELPA, WIDA, SBAC EL Assessment Consultant Jason Kolb – ELPA, MME ELPA Analyst Cristina Rodriguez - ELPA ELPA Administrative Assistant 12