Dear friends, hello! I am writing to you from a beautiful country - Great Britain. The country, where boys and girls just like you live, but they speak English. What language do you speak? Of course, Russian. You live in Russia. I invite you to visit Great Britain to see London sights Yours, Queen Elisabeth the second
What sights did children see in London? By what did family travel in London? By what did family go home? Lets go to London ! Be ready to talk about the following questions after our voyage
What sights did children see in London? By what did family travel in London? By what did family go home?
1.Bi g a) Squ are 2. Tra fal gar b) Brid ge 3. Lo nd on c) Stre et 4. To we r of d) Pala ce 5.O xfo rd e) Eye 6.T ow er f) Ben 7.Buckinghamg) London I would like to see…. It is very……..
London Palace Big Eye Buckingham Ben Tower Square Tower of Bridge Trafalgar London Oxford Street Look at your list of places match them
1. London is the capital city of… A) the United Kingdom B) the USA C) Canada 2. Big Ben is … A) a palace B) a bell C) a Square 3. The Queen lives in … A) Buckingham Palace B) Tower of London C) Oxford Street You have to do the test about London sights Choose the right answer
Do you live in London
- говорили и использовали ранее изученные английские слова в своей речи ; - закрепили употребление в устной речи конструкции I would like to… - отработали произношение достопримечательностей Лондона; - учились понимать иностранную речь в фильме и в песне Наши достижения
-Я узнал(а) много нового. -Мне это пригодится в жизни. -На уроке было интересно. -На все вопросы, возникающие в ходе урока, я смог (ла) ответить. -На уроке я работал(а) добросовестно и цели урока достиг (ла) Рефлексивный тест:
Best wishes dear friends