Instructional Model for MGES Vertical Team Teaching and Learning K-5 ELA Focus of Learning
Meadow Glen Elementary School’s Vision As Meadow Glen Explorers, our vision is to see, hear, and experience life from various angles allowing us a limitless future as we explore the world. “Home of the Explorers”
Meadow Glen Elementary Vertical Team Defined An expert team of teachers who collaborate to plan, develop, and implement vertical units of study with assessments that define student learning based on readiness and mastery rather than age or grade level. “Home of the Explorers”
Organization School Vertical Team Idea Created the Vertical Team ELA focus Research monthly Common Core State Standards Training in the Summer Provided collaborative time and space for the learning environment Designing and creating the units of study, evidence of mastery, common ELA block, and reporting to parents
Meadow Glen Elementary Vertical Team Carol Beckwith Aubrey Catone Tammy Sharpe Deni Titcomb Hope Mefford Ashley Scott Amy White
Meadow Glen Elementary Vertical Team Planning Collaborate weekly Develop Standards based units of study with ELA focus Standards based mastery and reporting to parents Interim Progress Reports Nine Weeks reporting “Home of the Explorers”
Common Core State Standards Progression of Learning Example Grade K - With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Grade 1 - Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Grade 2 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Grade 3 - Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Grade 4 - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Grade 5 - Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
PROGRESSION OF LEARNING Teachers will analyze data to inform instruction, monitor progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of the program. MAP, Dominie, DIBELS Next, PASS, Personalized Data Notebooks Students will be assessed based on established learning targets. (Standards based learning/assessments) Students will monitor individual progress and articulate learning goals through personalized data notebooks. (Student Reflection) Students will move within the vertical team based on their learning needs and readiness of Common Core State Standards. (Above grade level learners: 5 th graders ready for 6 th grade learning targets)
Family Commitment Trust Risk taker Commitment Year long process K- 5 commitment Team building
STUDENT IDENTIFICATION Parents will have the opportunity to sign-up for Vertical Team Instructional Model. There will be 12 student slots for parents to enroll their child. 12 student slots will be identified by teachers, educational needs, and administration. Administration will use various data to determine eligibility. (Kindergarten Survey, ESOL, Speech, etc.)
REGISTRATION Parents will have the opportunity to sign-up for Vertical Team Instructional Model. There will be 12 student slots for parents to enroll their child. Online registration will begin on June 3, 2013 at 12:00 noon. Registration will end June 7, 2013 at 5:00 PM. It will be date and time stamped. A phone message will be sent and a post on the website as a reminder. Waiting List Withdrawal process
Other facts based on your questions… 1.The Vertical grade level is an instructional model not a program. 2.All classrooms will follow curriculum adopted by the district. 3. Common Core State standards will be used in all classrooms. 4. Special Education (Resource, Speech) will be served on the vertical grade level. 5. English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) will be served on the vertical grade level. 6. Students with reading and math interventions (RTI) will be served on the vertical grade level. 7. Mandarin/Partial Immersion students will not participate in the vertical grade level. 8. Activities will be planned to help students understand the purpose of progression through the standards. (moving up and down in the learning progression) 9. Activities will be planned to teach students how to work in a multi-age environment. 10. Students will come to understand how to monitor individual progress and articulate learning goals through personalized data notebooks.