Standards-based Elementary Report Card August 2013
The purpose of this report card is to communicate to parents, guardians, and students, ongoing achievement towards grade level state standards. It identifies students’ levels of progress with regard to state standards, areas of strength, and areas where improvement is needed.
Why Change O Research Based (Guskey & Bailey) O Communicates detailed and specific information of student progress to parents O Improves the use of data to drive instruction O Ensures consistency across classrooms and schools O Aligns to the Common Core and NJ Core Curriculum Standards O Addresses teacher feedback and concerns
Local Districts that Use Standards-based Report Cards O Ewing O East Windsor O West Windsor O Lawrenceville O Robbinsville O Manalapan-Englishtown O Montgomery O Robbinsville
Standards-based O No letter grades will be assigned O Trimester based reporting O Academic areas will be evaluated using the following scale: 4 – Exceeds the Standard (Above Grade Level Expectation) 3 – Meets the Standard (Developing Appropriately) 2 – Approaches the Standard (Beginning to Develop) 1 – Does not yet meet the Standard (Needs to Develop) NE – Not Evaluated at this Time
Kindergarten Report Card A in the box next to the subject area indicates that the standards have been modified based on a student’s IEP.
Rubrics O Rubrics will be used to evaluate progress towards the standard at the end of each trimester. O Rubrics will be used by all teachers O Rubrics will be posted online for parents O Data collection for each standard will be used to determine a students progress
Increased Parental Involvement
Achievement Recognition O Subcommittee to develop different types of achievement recognition for students O Focus on individual progress and not competition O Develop ways to honor growth as well as high achievement O Revise criteria for entrance/exit into ALPS, Basic Skills, Title 1, Enriched Math, etc. O Continue to nominate academically talented students for inclusion in the ALPS program and for the Presidential Award in fifth grade
Parent Training O Information posted on website – report cards, rubrics, etc. O Back to School Night O Parent information nights in October O Informational video O Additional questions can be directed to teachers and principals.