Welcome!! Kindergarten Orientation Mrs. Andrews K-1 Please sign in and fill out the yellow form.
First Day- Tuesday, Sept. 3 rd 9-9:25 attendance and activity in class
What to bring? Backpack- regular size Snack- small, separately packaged- marked snack! Lunch if bringing (myschoolbucks.com) Comfortable clothing—no opened toed shoes… No toys or electronics please Personal headphones- in labeled baggie Extra set of clothes First and Last NAME on everything please!
Let’s be HEALTHY! Healthy snacks and lunches Birthdays- store bought snack or other alternative such as pencils, stickers, etc. Contact me if you want to bring something. No homemade food to pass out- we have students with severe food allergies- SAFETY FIRST! Thank you…
Safety Children will be chaperoned and supervised at all times when at school. Buddy-system is in place for students who need to move across campus for any reason. Kinder students have separate times for lunch and recess.
Morning Drop-off 8:45-8:57 am Kinder Playground Breakfast 8:35 One lane only Please do not park in the drop-off area
Afternoon Pick-Up Options- Park and Walk to front door/Bus/ESS/Car pick-up Line Two lanes PLEASE stay by your car!
What is Kindergarten About? Foster a love of learning and promote positive social interactions! California State Standards/ Common Core Standards Language Arts – Reading Wonders Math- Harcourt Science/ Social Studies/ P.E./ Visual and Performing Arts Technology
High Expectations Both Academics and Behavior Positive, safe, and ENGAGING learning environment! Make Good Decisions Solve Problems Show Respect Character Counts
Volunteering We LOVE Our Volunteers End of September/Early October Classroom volunteers Helping Hands PTA
Homework Keep it Simple Routine Reading Log Skill Practice- Lang. Arts and Math Internet based assignments Starts in October Homework should not be torture- for them or for you!
K-1 wish list Glue sticks Copy paper Hand soap and wipes for desks Room parent Headphones Fabric Folder with name and room number on front.
Communication is Key! Website- Phone ext Weekly Newsletter via All Call System Website Stop By!
Thank you! I look forward to a great year with you and your child! See you Tuesday, Sept. 3rd