Nebraska Department of Education Dr. Roger D. Breed Commissioner of Education
Nebraska Department of Education Graduation Requirements Rule 10 – Revised January 2010 School districts shall adopt and implement graduation requirements that meet the highest level of standards as specified in the state standards. Language Arts – 40 credit hours (composition, verbal communication, literature, research skills, and technical reading and writing) Mathematics – 30 credit hours (algebraic, geometric, data analysis, and probability concepts)
Nebraska Department of Education Graduation Requirements (cont.) Science – 30 credit hours (biological, earth/space, and physical science concepts with corresponding science inquiry skills and laboratory experience) Social Studies/History – 30 credit hours (civics/government, geography, United States and world history, and economics) In place by – Districts should review requirements and pathways to graduation now.
Nebraska Department of Education Career Education Changes Rule 10 – 4.04B6 New Career Pathways (004.04B6a-g) 80 instructional units Think more broadly for rigorous improved content More flexibility Six career fields Communication and Information Systems Business, Marketing, and Management Environmental and Agricultural Systems Health Sciences Human Services and Resources Industrial, Manufacturing, and Engineering Systems
Nebraska Department of Education Middle School Activities A Discussion Present Rule 10 – 7 th & 8 th grade activities may not exceed “four games in football and eight games in other sports.” Similar rule for nonpublic approved schools. Discussion: If NSAA picks up regulation of middle school activities, should the Rule 10 activities limitation remain, be revised or removed from Rule 10?
Nebraska Department of Education Rule 10 – Other Purposes – assure equity of opportunity, encourage quality learning, support accountability A secondary teacher with appropriate content endorsement will be allowed to teach 6 th grade Development and adoption of a policy to address dating violence is required (model policy) Sunset of endorsement exceptions for media/ technology teachers and guidance counselors?? Accountability Measures/System??
Nebraska Department of Education DUAL ENROLLMENT Rule 21 – Draft Approved Establishes Dual Credit Teaching Certificate -Application, fee, transcript, lawful presence, background check -Be eligible to teach course for college credit offered by postsecondary institution and approved by a school system -Hold a masters degree -Minimum of six graduate hours in the subject
Nebraska Department of Education Standards and Assessment Update Standards Revision -Reading Standards – Approved by State Board – 12/08 -Math Standards – Approved by State Board – 10/09 -Science Standards – revision underway NeSA – Nebraska Statewide Assessment System
Nebraska Department of Education NeSA – Nebraska Statewide Assessment Feb NeSA Writing Test (Grades 4, 8, 11) Mar. 25 – 30 -NeSA – Reading Test (3-8, 11) -NeSA – Math Test (field testing – voluntary) -Schools may choose either online or paper -83% of students will be online -77% of students will be field testing math
Nebraska Department of Education Where we need to go: Improve student achievement Narrow achievement gaps Increase graduation and college enrollment rates PRESIDENT OBAMA’S GOAL America will have the highest proportion of college graduates of any country by 2020
Nebraska Department of Education Race to the Top Purpose: To encourage and reward states implementing comprehensive reform across four key reform areas. Goals: 1) Drive substantial gains in student achievement; 2) Improve high school graduation and college enrollment; and 3) Narrow achievement gaps. Competitive Grants to States - $4.35 billion Phase I grant applications were due January 19, 2010 Second Phase will be due June 1, 2010
Turnaround Model ► Replace principal and rehire no more than 50% of the staff; adopt new governance ► New or revised instructional program ► Interventions that take into account the recruitment, placement and development of staff ► Schedules that increase time for students and staff Turnaround Model ► Replace principal and rehire no more than 50% of the staff; adopt new governance ► New or revised instructional program ► Interventions that take into account the recruitment, placement and development of staff ► Schedules that increase time for students and staff Transformation Model ► Comprehensive instructional programs using student achievement data ► Extend learning time and create community-oriented schools ► Provide operating flexibility and intensive support Transformation Model ► Comprehensive instructional programs using student achievement data ► Extend learning time and create community-oriented schools ► Provide operating flexibility and intensive support Closure Model ►Close the school and enroll the students who attended the school in other, higher-performing schools in the LEA. Closure Model ►Close the school and enroll the students who attended the school in other, higher-performing schools in the LEA. Restart Model ►Close the school and restart it under the management of a charter school operator, charter management organization or educational management organization. ►Admit, within school’s grades, former students who wish to attend. Restart Model ►Close the school and restart it under the management of a charter school operator, charter management organization or educational management organization. ►Admit, within school’s grades, former students who wish to attend.
Nebraska Department of Education A Bright Future for Nebraska Students Initiative To create a statewide system to support school districts to close achievement gaps while increasing overall student achievement, improving graduation rates and increasing college enrollment rates. Achieving this will require transformation, both within the NDE and throughout the system.
Core Principle One: Nebraska’s education system will be anchored in research and evidence-based practice; while the state of the art is rapidly evolving, there is much that we already know which should be built upon. Core Principle Two: Nebraska’s education system will be coherent P- 16. Piecemeal initiatives that address only certain kinds of schools or certain kinds of problems in isolation will not lead to the kind of system-wide improvement needed to provide all students with the education they deserve. Core Principle Three: Nebraska's education system will be designed to produce sustainable changes at the school building and school district level – and to do that, we must do more to build and sustain NDE support capacity. Articulating the State’s Reform Agenda
Nebraska Race to the Top plan proposes plans for supporting all districts and their schools in continuously improving student performance. Standards and Assessments Adopting the Common Core Implementing a Balanced Assessment System Using the Nebraska Virtual School to Increase Access to Rigorous Instructional Opportunities T&L Effectiveness Next Generation Evaluation Statewide Professional Development Teacher Preparation Support & Accountability Recruiting STEM Teachers Alternative Certification School Turn-Around Identifying All Struggling Districts and Schools Supporting District "Turn Around," "Transformation," "Restart," and "Closure" Data Systems/Use Improving the Use of Data to Support Instruction Providing Access to Key Stakeholders The state's proposal features plans for : Nebraska's Race to the Top Proposal Expanded Learning Time Placement Incentives & Ongoing Support
At the conclusion of the Race to the Top four year grant cycle, Nebraska's education framework will include a new statewide: Standards and assessments system featuring the NGA/CCSSO common core standards, a "balanced" assessment system, and meaningful accountability for the state's persistently lowest performing schools; Supports and interventions system for building and sustaining district/school capacity to continuously improve student performance and close achievement gaps; Teacher/leader evaluation framework using student growth as one indicator and based on new statewide teacher/leader standards; 19 The Goal Develop a Next Generation Continuous Improvement System Nebraska's Race to the Top Proposal
20 The Goal Develop a Next Generation Continuous Improvement System At the conclusion of the Race to the Top four year grant cycle, Nebraska's education framework will include a new statewide (cont.) Embedded professional development and induction system providing targeted supports focused on improving instruction (including effective data use); Early learning quality system for increasing kindergarten readiness rates; Longitudinal data system for promoting informed decisions by key stakeholders, including teachers, administrators, students, parents, and policy makers. Nebraska's Race to the Top Proposal
Nebraska Department of Education Bright Future for Nebraska Students Initiative Requests $123 million for four years 50% or $61.5 million will go to participating districts though the Title One formula for the purposes of the Race to the Top Grant Application is over 200 pages plus a 300 page appendix Signed by Governor, State Board of Education President Kandy Imes and Commissioner
Nebraska Department of Education The status quo is likely not acceptable Changes for NDE and School Districts include continued work on standards and a new assessment system, creating a support system for school districts, focusing resources on: Creating Common Standards & Assessments Developing Effective Teachers and Leaders Using Data Systems to Support Instruction Turning Around Struggling Schools Questions??
Nebraska Department of Education
School Improvement Grants $3.5 billion SFSF Phase Two $11.5 billion Ed Tech $650 million $250 million Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Teacher Incentive Fund $200 million Race to the Top $4.35 billion Teacher Quality Part. $100 million $650 million Investing in Innovation Teacher Incentive Fund $200 million 95% of ARRA Grants Explicitly Require SEA – LEA Coordination 95% of ARRA Grants Explicitly Require SEA – LEA Coordination 95% of ARRA Grants Explicitly Require SEA – LEA Coordination 95% of ARRA Grants Explicitly Require SEA – LEA Coordination