November 29, 2010
Encourages pro-social behavior Clear behavioral expectations Consistency among staff Reinforces good behavior Use of data for decision-making purposes Use of evidence-based practices
PBIS will lead to… Reduced student behavior problems More Instructional time Better academic outcomes More time to address more serious behavioral and emotional problems
It is estimated 50 to 75% of incarcerated youth have one or more mental health disorders. By reducing the number of new occurrences of misbehavior, staff are able to identify and address the needs of youth with more serious issues. By following the data, it can be determined whether strategies are effective or not
Gives staff a structure and guidelines Help students accept responsibility and gives them skills to manage difficult situations Teaches appropriate behavior which is more beneficial when student returns home Positive impacts on families
Defines facility culture Expectations are clear Appropriate behavior receives attention Makes the environment predictable, consistent, safe, and positive
If behavior is only controlled by punishment in a facility, when they return home, punishments will not be in place and behavior is unmanaged Academic achievement is linked to reduced rates of recidivism
Correctional facilities have seen a reduction in: Restraint Seclusion Disciplinary removals Major and minor behavioral incidents Fighting
Timeframe and commitment PBIS surveys Leadership team members Training