Improving Prophylactic Treatment of GBS Positive Patients Michelle Blythers Literature Review Presentation Senior Project October 22, 2014
Introduction A high priority should be placed on identifying Group B Streptococcus (GBS) positive mothers and the appropriate administration (>4 hours prior to delivery) of prophylactic antibiotics.
Importance of Change: GBS is the leading cause of sepsis, pneumonia and meningitis in the early newborn period, which is defined a the first week of life. Identifying/screening and adequately treating GBS positive mother’s, increases positive patient outcomes.
Article #1 Berardi, A.,Rossi,C.,Biasini, A. Minnitti, S., Venturelli, C., Ferrari, Faccinetti, F. (2011) Efficacy of intrapartum chemoprophylaxis less than 4 hours duration. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and neonatal medicine 21(4): The data in this article were collected over 12 months, in 2 different hospitals. This was a quantitative study to compare rate of vertical transmission of GBS in women with no other risk factors. The findings were valid.
Article #2 Turrentine, M. Greisinger, A., Brown, K., Wehmanen, O., Mouzoon, M. (2013). Duration of intrapartum antibiotics for group b streptococcus on the diagnosis of clinical neonatal sepsis. Infectious Disease in obstretrics and Gynocology, 1-6.doi: /2013/ This particular study was done in a large facility which delivers over 8,000 infants a year. It was retrospective cohort study of. The results were that infants whose mothers received <4 hours intrapartum antibiotic therapy, were more often diagnosed with clinical sepsis.
Article #3 Silva, J., Stein, A., Schunemann, H., Bordin, R. Kuchenbecker, R., Drachler, M. (2013), Academic detaling and adherence to guidelines for group b streptococci prenatal screening: a randomized controlled study. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 2013, 13: /13/68. This was a random controlled study consisting of physicians It is imperative that health care workers stay abreast of the latest guidelines so that they can properly teach the patients. The results proved that academic detailing increased the prevalence of GBS screening in that particular population.
Summary: The research studies presented all provide sufficient evidence that supports the CDC recommended guidelines. Article #1 is a level IV. Evidence from a well-designed case-control and cohort study. Article #2 is a level IV. Evidence from a well-designed case-control and cohort study. Article #3 is a level II. Evidence obtained from a well- designed Randomized Controlled Trial.