VBE easy VBE Release – New Features Available From 2 October 2006
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 2 VBE Personal - Summary New Features Simplified setup to improve customer experience (Easy Set-Up) Multiple inbox support (now you can access 5 POP3 accounts on 1 device) Status display (you can see when you have been connected/disconnected, scheduling connection for battery life optimization)) Client Over The Air upgrade and update notification Smart Polling (rather than s being checked after fixed set time, now you have s sent quicker to you, as this feature has the ability to change the polling intervals automatically in the background)
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 3 VBE Personal: Device Support
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 4 VBE Enterprise – Summary New Features Simplified setup to improve customer experience (Easy Set-Up) Increased scalability to 1000 user per MS Exchange server or 500 user per Lotus Domino server Global Directory Search (now you can search full names from your company directory) Multiple Inbox support (now you can access 4 POP3 and 1 Company account on 1 device, ability to disable multiple inbox from VMES by IT administrator) Tasks (supports all standard fields, recurrences are not supported) Status display (you can see when you have been connected/disconnected, scheduling connection for battery life optimization) Recurring calendar appointments handling (no longer need to be manually updated, has editing & deleting functionality) Lotus Domino Personal Contacts (Supported via iNotes replication to Domino server, requires Lotus Domino server or later) Client Over The Air upgrade and update notification
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 5 VBE Enterprise: Device Support
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 6 VBE Key Feature Details
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 7 Global Directory Search Support textual searches of the first name, last name, and full name fields of entries in the corporate groupware directory Search results are returned to the user in an alphabetically sorted list Users can select a search result and add it to their local contacts on their device. Once added, these contacts will be synchronized between the device and the groupware endpoint. Users can also send or call contact
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 8 Multiple Inbox Single client now supports access up to 5 ISP mailboxes (VBE Personal) or 4 POP3 and 1 Corporate mailbox (VBE Enterprise) One inbox is created per mailbox account Inbox name automatically created from account domain name settings (e.g. maximum number of s) apply to all inboxes VMES IT admin disable multiple inbox support
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 9 Tasks 2-way sync of tasks using ConstantSync Supports all standards fields including: –Completed –Priority values –Due date with notification –Alarms –Notes within tasks Home screen populated Recurrences are not supported
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 10 Status Display Shows connect/disconnect controls ConstantSync status –Can display the next scheduled connection time –NOC connection status only Multiple mailbox status display –Inbox name automatically created from account domain name –Shows status of end to end connection –per mailbox PIM channel status display, including tasks All icons act as launcher of the relevant application (E- mail, calendar, etc.)
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 11 Connection schedule Puts the user in control of battery life optimization and offline/online status –while still being able to use the phone and PIM Schedule increments cover any time during the day, and any day during the week
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 12 Recurring calendar appointments Eliminates the calendar sync window for recurring appointments Edits and deletes to recurring appointment now affect the whole series
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 13 Domino Personal Contacts In the Lotus Domino environment, personal contacts are stored only on the desktop Lotus Notes Client and are not replicated to the Domino server With 5.5, contacts can now be supported via iNotes replication to Domino Requires Lotus Domino server or later
Vodafone Company Confidential – Internal Use OnlyPrepared By: Yasmeen Siddiqui VBE Marketing Manager 14 VBE Personal - Smart ISP polling Activity based algorithm triggers ISP mail server polling to deliver “near push” end-user experience Any activity related to the POP or IMAP Inbox on the terminal, as detected by receipt in the NOC of a VAP event for: e- mail send, read/unread flag, or retrieval of additional bodies These events trigger the polling algorithm to start at the beginning of the polling time interval list Polling intervals are configurable and set by default as 1,2,4,8 minutes.