Place Value
Call out the number before the answer appears. When you see it, say it !
First look at the tens digit. Two tens are twenty!
Next look at the units digit. Five units are 5.
Two tens and Five units = 25
Now it’s your turn, but remember: When you see it, SAY IT!
twenty-six 26
sixteen 16
thirty-Five 35
forty-two 42
eighty-four 84
nineteen 19
forty-one 41
thirty-seven 37
thirteen 13
twenty-one 21
thirty-nine 39
fifty-eight 58
Well Done! You have worked hard reading two-digit numbers, now have a go at reading three-digit numbers.
Three-digit numbers have Hundreds and Units Tens
Two Hundreds
five Tens
Eight Units
= Two hundred and fifty eight
Now it’s YOUR turn.
one hundred and thirty-six 136
one hundred and twenty 120
one hundred and twenty- seven 127
one hundred and nineteen 119
one hundred and forty
one hundred and seven 107
Once you know place value, you will find partitioning numbers a lot easier.