B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Summer PStAR Process Training Office of Human Capital May
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Overview In this training, you will learn: About the process for staffing summer programs; How to create and search summer programs in PStAR; How to create and search summer positions in PStAR; About the deadlines for summer 2014 programs; and About resources and support moving forward. 2
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS In this Section In this section you will learn about Summer programming in City Schools; Programs that span multiple fiscal years; and Steps for creating and staffing summer programs. 3
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Summer Programs in City Schools Systemic and non-systemic summer programs are important aspects to how City Schools supports student achievement. Systemic summer programs are organized and coordinated through Central Office. Non-systemic summer programs are school-based, and individual schools organize them. 4
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Staffing Summer Programs In order to budget for and staff a summer program in City Schools, coordinators need to: Create positions and allocate money to each position. Staff each position by hiring and identifying employees. The start and end dates are based on when employees start to complete work for the program and when employees end their work for the program. You are NOT creating start and end dates based on student participation. 5
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Creating Summer Programs Creating programs and positions in the PStAR system allows you to “buy” the positions to staff your program. You are creating these positions and allocating funds so that the people working will be paid appropriately. Summer programs that span fiscal years (FY) will use funds from two different fiscal year (FY) budgets. June 30 th is the end of the fiscal year (FY). 6
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS If Your Summer Program Spans Two Fiscal Years Funds from FY 2014 will pay for the positions and program Funds from FY 2013 will pay for the positions and program 7 Your Summer Program’s Start Date Your Summer Program’s End Date June 30 th
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Summer Programs that Span Two Fiscal Years As long as an employee is working for a summer program before June 30 th and after July 1 st, you need two programs and two sets of positions in PStAR. One program and set of positions for FY One program and set of positions for FY In PStAR, include the FY in the program names to differentiate them. “Reading Adventures FY2014” and “Reading Adventures FY2015”. The FY 2014 program will end June 30 th. The FY 2015 program will begin July 1 st. 8
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Overview: Steps for Staffing Summer Programs 9 Includes identifying funding sources. 1. Create summer program in PStAR Includes identifying the summer program, determining how many positions you need by job title, and choosing funding source(s) to “buy” the positions. 2. Create positions in PStAR Includes filling each summer position with an employee. 3. Select employees in Summer Employee Entry System You will complete these steps twice for one summer program – One time for FY 2014 and one time for FY 2015.
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS In this Section In this section you will access the Help Guides for: Creating a summer program in PStAR; Searching for and editing a summer program in PStAR; Creating positions for a summer program in PStAR; and Searching for transactions in PStAR. 10
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS PStAR Help Guides There are four help guides for you to reference when using the Summer PStAR system: Create Program Program Inquiry Create Position Position Inquiry You can access these help guides through: City Schools Inside and the next four slides of this training. 11
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS To Create a Summer Program in PStAR Create Program Log In to PStAR Name Summer Program Identify a Program Coordinator Select a Funding Source for Program Click here to view the Create Program Help Guidehere 12
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS To Search or Edit a Summer Program in PStAR Program Inquiry Log In to PStAR Search for Summer Program Add a Funding Source to a Summer Program View Program Information Click here to view the Program Inquiry Help Guidehere 13
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS To Create Positions in PStAR Create Position Log In to PStAR Identify Summer Program and Payroll Approver Add a Job Title to a Summer Program Identify Funding Source(s) for a Job Title in a Summer Program Click here to view the Create Position Help Guide.here 14
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS To Search Transactions in PStAR Transaction Inquiry Log In to PStAR Search for Transaction View Transaction Information Click here to view the Transaction Inquiry Help Guidehere 15
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS In this Section In this section you will Learn about deadlines for using PStAR to create your summer program(s); Review two scenarios for sample programs; and Learn what support resources and contact information to utilize moving forward. 16
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Updated Timeline for Summer 2014 May 12 th PStAR system for summer school is available. Coordinators can create programs and positions for FY May 31 st Deadline for using funds from FY PStAR system switches to FY 2015 funds. Coordinators can create programs and positions for FY June 13 th Deadline for using Summer Employee Entry System to staff summer programs. June 30 th All FY 2014 funding for programs ends; FY 2015 begins and FY 2015 funding is available for programming. August 15 th Deadline for using funds from FY 2015 for summer school. All summer programs in City Schools end. 17
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Scenario 1 18 Program X has employees begin working on July 10 th and stop working August 4 th. Students participate in the program from July 17 th to August 1 st. What are the start and end dates for Program X? How many days for Program X fall in FY 2014? How many programs need to be created in PStAR for Program X? In PStAR, what are the start and end dates for “Program X FY2015”?
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Scenario 1 19 Program X has employees begin working on July 10 th and stop working August 4 th. Students participate in the program from July 17 th to August 1 st. What are the start and end dates for Program X? July 10 th ; August 4 th How many days for Program X fall in FY 2014? 00 How many programs need to be created in PStAR for Program X? One: “Program X FY2014” In PStAR, what are the start and end dates for “Program X FY2015”? July 10 th ; August 4 th
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Scenario 2 20 Program Y has employees begin working on July 24 th and stop working August 4 th. Students participate in the program from July 10 th to August 1 st. What are the start and end dates for Program Y? How many days for Program Y fall in FY 2014? How many programs need to be created in PStAR for Program Y? In PStAR, what are the start and end dates for the program(s)?
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Scenario 2 21 Program Y has employees begin working on June 24 th and stop working August 4 th. Students participate in the program from July 10 th to August 1 st. What are the start and end dates for Program Y? June 24 th ; August 4 th How many days for Program Y fall in FY 2014? 5 work days (June 24 th – June 30 th ) How many programs need to be created in PStAR? Two: “Program Y FY2014” and “Program Y FY2015” In PStAR, what are the start and end dates for the program(s)? “Program Y FY2014”: June 24 th – June 30 th “Program Y FY2015”: July 1 st – August 4 th
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Contact Information and Resources Moving Forward 22 ResourceFor Questions About: Guidance Decisions around funding, job titles, payroll approvers, and program coordinators Expectations and deadlines Help Guides How to create and search for programs How to create and search for positions City Schools Inside Deadlines and how to access support documents Contact Jerome Fenwick in OHC, Specific, unaddressed questions about using PStAR Contact Jerry Fleischmann in Payroll, Specific, unaddressed questions about payroll HC Specialists Specific, unaddressed questions about summer program staffing expectations and guidance
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS You Just Learned… About the process for creating and staffing summer school positions; How to create and search summer programs in PStAR; How to create and search summer positions in PStAR; About the deadlines for summer 2014 programs; and Who you should contact for support moving forward. 23