Student as Producer and OER enhancing learning through digital scholarship Sue Watling: Centre for Educational Research and Development Student as Producer Conference: June 2013
Digital Scholarship Ernest Boyer: Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate (1997). Research-engaged/informed teaching. Four strands of scholarship: Discovery, Application, Teaching, Integration. Digital Scholarship strand of S as P. Technology as enhancer… ….or not?
Digital Pedagogy Digital dimensions of teaching, learning, research in 21 st century. George Siemens (2005) Connectivism: A Learning theory for a Digital Age Digital literacies : digital literacy defines those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society (JISC 2011)
Image from
Open Educational Resources MIT OpenCourseWare project MIT (2002) Creative Commons licencing Open Educational Resources (OER) ‘Embedding OER Practice’ (2012) JISC/HEA funded 12 month project at the University of Lincoln
Embedding OER Practice Funded under the HEA/JISC OER Programme Phase 3 Sustainable strategic approaches to adoption of philosophy and practice of open education and the use, reuse and repurposing of open educational resources
Resistance to sharing content for free. Insufficient time for content development. Lack of central support for content development, especially multimedia Concerns around IP and copyright. Lack of confidence to make content public. Quality assurance concerns. Spotlighted digital ways of working. Barriers to embedding OER practice
1. Supporting student transition with OER. 2. OER to support early reflective writing. 3. Embedding ‘employability’ in the undergraduate curriculum through OER. 4. OER for PEER: Practice Education Electronic Resources. 5. Exploring and embedding the use of OERs on PGCert/HE…and beyond. 6. Behind the Scenes recommendations for technical support for OER policy and practice. Embedding OER Practice teams
Sharing Practice: open approaches to teaching and learning A one day conference at the University of Lincoln 22 June 2012
OER: Digital Literacies/Scholarship OER offer: skills to navigate, search, select, download, store and manage multiple file formats, use a range of digital tools for reuse and repurposing, enhancing public digital profiles, awareness of issues of authority, reliability, authenticity, provenance, copyright, licencing, inclusive practice, social justice, digital citizenship, the presentation of self online via personal and professional identities etc.
TELEDA Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age Short course 30 M Level CATS Delivered and assessed online Experiential Learning Blocks: digital pedagogy, open education, online communication, collaboration, assessment, feedback Participatory Action Research Project
Digital Staff/Graduate Attributes Informed expertise with digital information Appropriate awareness of data protection Manage a variety of digital environments Match appropriate digital tools for tasks Maintain public/private online boundaries Stay safe, avoiding scams, viruses etc Demonstrate sustainable use of resources Critical awareness of potential for exclusion
Sue Watling Centre for Educational Research and Development University of Lincoln