Are your children stuck at level 2C in Mathematics?
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Objectives To identify aspects of Mathematics that appear to present barriers to learning for children whose progress and attainment has stalled at level 2C To plan effective approaches to teaching and learning to help children overcome these barriers and make good progress in Mathematics and be well placed to achieve level 4 by the end of KS2
Outcomes I am familiar with the findings of the research I am aware of the specific aspects of Mathematics that appear to present barriers to identified children I plan and use a range of approaches to meet the needs of these children so that they meet age related expectations
Guess my word
What do these children need to be taught to progress in Mathematics? Read Research project: children who get ‘stuck’ at level 2C in mathematics
What do these children need to be taught to progress in Mathematics? to recognise the value of each digit in a two-digit number, to use this knowledge to partition two-digit numbers, combine tens and units to form a two-digit number and to order two- digit numbers how to use and apply their knowledge of counting in tens, to count a large number of objects efficiently and accurately, counting on and back in tens from any two-digit number and finding the total value of a set of coins that includes 10p pieces how to use their knowledge of counting in tens and their recall of number facts to begin to calculate efficiently, using one-digit and two-digit numbers that subtraction can involve finding the difference between the numbers of objects in two sets or the difference between two numbers, and to recognise how this operation relates to addition how to use number sentences to represent practical situations, especially those involving subtraction or multiplication, and how to interpret and solve number sentences that have missing numbers Guided group work Rich environment Teachers need to model and promote the accurate use of mathematical language to explain ideas and reasoning and to solve problems, providing children with regular and carefully scaffolded opportunities to engage in mathematical dialogue with adults and with their peers.
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What would you do with these? Pupil Interview Cards Choose one question (could be stuck at) Discuss likely responses from children Discuss how you would support and scaffold (all learners and not just less able)
Lunch Place value – focus for afternoon session
Place value What strategies do you use to assemble the puzzle?
Partitioning tool spreadsheet - recombining Year 2 objective: explain what each digit in a two-digit number represents, including numbers where 0 is a place holder; partition two-digit numbers in different ways, including into multiples of 10 and 1
Place value dots spreadsheetspreadsheet
Place value ITP
Moving digits ITP
Jointly plan a lesson including a guided session for 2C children Teacher leads the whole class teaching input and the guided session TA observes the progress of 2 children in the guided group TA observes the progress of another group before returning to the guided group Teacher and TA evaluate the progress of the children in the guided group Talk with the children in the guided group about their learning Lesson Study
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