Introduction and Demonstration of Google Wave Zhenhua Guo
Google Wave An online tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more. How many wave systems out there? Many Public: ( Sandbox: ( Waves bound to Google Apps: Suppose domain is (
Google Apps A service from Google for using custom domain names with several Google products including Gmail, Calendar, Talk, Docs, Wave, etc. Google hosts services and you provide a domain name Bind to Google Apps Email: Wave: Docs:
Wave UI
Panels Navigation Contact Wave list Wave content
Wave A threaded discussion Follow/Unfollow Move/Trash Mark as read/unread Tag Create new wave Add/remove participants Search
Search Wave creator:name participant:name group:name Keyword about:keyword title:keyword caption:keyword State is:read is:unread is:filed is:followed Misc. tag:tagname has:link has:gadget
Wave content Rich text Color Font Hyperlink Attachment Google Gadget Image
Wave Extensions Robot Gadget Robots are applications which can be added to waves as wave participants. Automate tasks Gadget a shared program which runs within the wave, and to which all participants have access. Improve richness spell checking,
Robot Gadget Runs on application servers (currently AppEngine) and interacts with the wave over a protocol. Runs within the wave client itself. Robots may modify a wave and perform the same operations as a human participant. Gadgets are not able to modify a wave, and have limited visibility into the wave. Each robot may instantiate at most one instance per wave. Each gadget may have multiple instances per wave, one for each participant interacting with the gadget. Robots can modify a gadget. Gadgets have no way to know that a robot exists, and thus are not able to modify a robot.
Robots A robot can Deployment Account of robots read the contents of a wave in which it participates, modify the wave's contents add or remove participants create new messages and new waves …… Deployment Google App Engine Account of robots Then add a robot to a wave like adding any other participant
Emaily Add to your contact list Add the robot to a wavelet Connection of Wave and Email to wave from mail to mail inbox from wave Your friend Mail Wave You Your friend Mail Wave You Others send an email to Read it inside Google Wave as a new wave
Tweety-wave Add Read/update tweets without going to
Other robots elizarobot Igor Chatbot Ask some stupid questions Igor a Google Wave robot to manage your references Whe you type “blah blah blah (cite x) blah” Igor will notice the (cite x), connect to PubMed(or other reference db), search for articles where the title, authors or journal contain x and then pull in the relevant citation. candidate genes include NRG1 (cite from connotea euanadie)(cite schizophrenia neuregulin) and (cite from pubmed)DISC1 (cite PDE4B evans schizophrenia)
Possible research robots License robot Reference management Writing papers collaboratively Workflow composition
Resources Wave control panel