Overview of workshop. Language of addition Progression of addition across Year 1 and 2 Questions Work alongside our children.
What words have you heard your child use when talking about addition? Add Plus More than Repeated Addition Total
Language, Language, Language! Digit Single Digit Number Two Digit Number Three Digit Number Place Value Tens Units Partitioning Bonds to 10 Multiples of 10 Switchers Fact Families Bridging through 10
Progression within addition. + Adding single digits together. + Use practical equipment that can be moved physically. + Use pictures which the children point to as they count. +
+ Use of a number track to jump along 5+2=7 + Use of a number line to jump along. 5+2=7 + Use of a number square to count along. 5+2=7
+ Adding a single digit to a two digit number Number lines or a number track to count on. + Knowledge of place value
+ Dienes which model place value clearly. + Use of a blank number line. 2327
Adding a single digit to a two digit number bridging through ten
+ Use of number bonds to 10 to bridge through the nearest multiple of = =
+ Adding 2 two digit numbers together. + Number square Move down to add on tens. Count along to add on units.
+ Blank number line
+ Adding a single digit to a three digit number =
+ Adding a two digit number to a three digit number Add the units = 9 Add the tens = Add these together = 89 Add the hundreds =389
+ Adding a three digit number to a three digit number = Add the units = 9 Add the tens = 80 Add these together = 89 Add the hundreds = 400 Add hundreds to tens and units =489