MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL Summer 1 YEAR 2 MATHS YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – reading and writing numbers in figures and words. (More able children will be working up to 1000) Partition number into hundreds, tens and units. Estimating and counting a number of objects up to 50. Doubling and halving numbers Know what all 4 operations mean in a number sentence. (+, –, ×, ÷ ) Learning 2,5 and 10 times tables and associated division facts. Adding and subtracting using both partitioning and column methods SCIENCE YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Discussing changes in the weather and how the natural world is changing. Talking about how animals live in a natural habitat which provides them with all the things they need to survive, water, food and shelter. We will be focussing on underwater habitats and learning about the animals that live there. is a useful website ENGLISH YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Asking them about our Power of Reading story – The Snail and the Whale. Ask them to tell you the story. Ask them about the places the two friends visit and the adventures they share. Ask them to tell you about what goes wrong and how the snail saves her friend. It is really important that your child reads every day and develops good reading habits and a love of reading. Please encourage and support them as much as you can. In the middle of their Home School Reading diaries are all the words that they need to spell. Please encourage them to practise these at home. Help children get ready for their summer SATS by using the BBC HISTORY YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Finding out about holidays in the past particularly seaside holidays and how they differed from the holidays we have now. ART YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Talking about repeating patterns on fabrics and on wallpaper and wrapping paper. We will be designing out own sea- creature inspired wall paper in our art lessons. GEOGRAPHY YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Taking them for a walk around Lockwood and noticing the different types of buildings and how land is used. We are going to compare Lockwood to Blackpool. ICT YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Helping them to use a keyboard and know how to change, font and size and colour. Show your child how to make a letter into a capital and where punctuation is located on the key board. Help them to use search engines such as Google and Yahoo to research underwater habitats. Remind your children how to use the internet safely. PSHCE - Relationships YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY Talking about the relationships we share with our friends and family and the choices we make. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Considering what makes us special and discussing how religion may help to provide answers for difficult questions. PHYSICALEDUCATION YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Encouraging hand eye co-ordination by throwing and catching a small ball, using a racquet to hit a small ball, hopping, skipping and jumping then balancing. HAVE FUN IN THE PARK! PE Kits must be in school every Monday