YOUR DREAM VACATION Anywhere is Possible
PICK A SPOT For this assignment you can choose to travel anywhere in the world. Nothing is off limits. Go to Google and find the exact distance in kilometres from Ottawa to your location.
TRAVEL TIME A passenger airplane travels at an average of 805 km/h. That means that for every hour traveled, you have gone 805 km. How long will it take to get to your chosen destination? Make an equation to represent this problem then solve. If you sit in the plane on the tarmac for 30 mins before you take off and for 30 mins after you land, how long will you have spent in the plane in total?
THE HOTEL Head to either Travelocity or Expedia. Search for a hotel in your chosen location. Use July 20 th as the date for your search. How much does your hotel cost on that night?
TOTAL COST The person working at the front desk thinks you’re cute so she gives you $150 off the total cost of your stay. If you end up spending $2500 in total on your hotel, how many nights did you stay. Create an equation and solve.
A GREAT DINNER Search for an interesting restaurant in your destination city. Make sure it has a copy of its menu. Choose any two things on the menu that have different prices.
DINNER PARTY You’re planning to take all of your new found friends out for dinner. If you buy everyone the more expensive option, you’ll need to leave a tip of $25. If you buy everyone the cheaper option you’ll need to slip the maitre d, $250 in order to get an acceptable table. How many of each item will you need to buy, in order for the price of each potential meal to be the exact same? Create an expression and solve
TAKING IN THE CULTURE Search for an interesting historical or cultural site in your destination of choice. Use Google Maps to determine the distance from your hotel to that attraction
TAKING IN THE CULTURE To get from the hotel to the interesting site, you’ll need to take a cab. Cabs cost $3.50 just for getting in. They also charge a certain amount per km that you travel. The cab driver takes pity on you because you’re a misguided tourist so he offers to give you 25% off. If your total before the discount is $40, how much did he charge you per km? *Hint: You’ll need to do something first before you can build your equation.
SEEING THE SIGHTS Search for some sort of interesting attraction to visit while you’re in you destination city.
SOUVENIRS The attraction you’ve chosen has a couple of deals on souvenirs in the gift shop. You want to buy a few mementos for your friends and family back home? The first deal allows you to buy t-shirts for $29 each but it gives you a discount of $5 off of your purchase. The second deal allows you to buy amazing snow globes for $24 but you need to buy one poster for $10 in order to get the deal. How many souvenirs would you need to buy in order for you to pay the exact same amount for each deal?