Hotel Room Hotel price 1 room, 4 nights ($ avg/night) $ Taxes & fees $90.04 Deluxe waterfront queen-Breakfast Plan Queens Hwy, Mile Marker 1.2 West, P.O. Box EX , George Town, Great Exuma (Formerly Beach Inn Exuma)
Plane Ticket Flight price 1 adult $ American Airlines
TOTAL PRICE of Flight plus Hotel Total Price: $1, Got a nice little 80 dollar discount by going with Expedia.com.
Coconut Cove The first two nights we went to Coconut Cove for dinner and had pizza at $13.00 a pizza.
Club Peace & Plenty Restaurant This is were I had lunch the first two days.
Iva Bowe's Central Highway Inn Restaurant The final days we went to Iva Bowe’s Central Highway Inn Restaurant for lunch.
Kermit's Airport Lounge Final Meals of the trip were at Kermit’s Airport Lounge and by far Was the best.
This is what We did day 1 on our trip from 1pm - 5pm
Ocean About every day we went to the beach and we just relaxed and had fun.
StarShip Boat Charters Round trip transportation from lodging location to launch point. Boat transportation to varies sites in or around Elizabeth Harbor, a beverage, and a guide. All snorkel gear and ice chests are included. Wind jackets are provided in cold or windy weather. 3 hours
Rafting Shenandoah River We went rafting and oh my gosh it was a blast!
Emerald Bay, Great Exuma, Bahamas The last activity we did in Exuma was golf at their championship golf course.
Prices DaysFoodTravelHotel Anything else Day 1$35$549$175 Day 2$40$30$175$325 Day 3$30 $175$80 Day 4$30 $175$200 Total$135$639$700$780 Total Price $2254
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