Health & Safety in Construction An Introduction
Objectives 1 recognise that accidents are ‘serious stuff’ recognise that accidents are ‘serious stuff’ know how to prevent accidents at work; know how to prevent accidents at work; complete an accident form complete an accident form know what you have to do about first aid at work know what you have to do about first aid at work do the right thing in reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences do the right thing in reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences
Objectives 2 know the causes of fire know the causes of fire recognise the right kind of fire extinguishers for different types of fires recognise the right kind of fire extinguishers for different types of fires appreciate the dangers of electricity appreciate the dangers of electricity be aware of the effects of excessive noise in the workplace be aware of the effects of excessive noise in the workplace recognise the main types of safety signs used in the construction industry; recognise the main types of safety signs used in the construction industry; appreciate how safety signs are used to help prevent accidents. appreciate how safety signs are used to help prevent accidents.
Some facts about the health and safety record in the UK construction industry. 13,000 accidents are reported each year in the construction industry. These cause death, major injury or more than three days’ absence from work. About 140 accidents annually result in fatality – that averages almost three deaths every week!
What is an accident? Definitions: An accident is an unforeseen, unplanned and uncontrolled event. An accident is an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance. Outcomes of accidents: Accidents lead to injury to persons, damage to plant (machinery/equipment) or other losses. Some accidents lead to serious injury, fatality or serious damage to property.
What causes accidents? According to Health and Safety Executive reports, the main causes of accidents are: According to Health and Safety Executive reports, the main causes of accidents are: falling through fragile roofs and roof lights; falling through fragile roofs and roof lights; falling from ladders, scaffolds and other workplaces; falling from ladders, scaffolds and other workplaces; being struck by excavators, lift trucks or dumpers; being struck by excavators, lift trucks or dumpers; overturning vehicles; overturning vehicles; being crushed by collapsing structures. being crushed by collapsing structures.
Accidents – cost to employers Accidents can cost employers serious money, for example, through: Accidents can cost employers serious money, for example, through: increased insurance premiums increased insurance premiums fines fines compensation claims compensation claims damage to property or machinery – replacement costs damage to property or machinery – replacement costs loss of production – time loss of production – time loss of the employee’s time loss of the employee’s time
Accidents – cost to employees Individual employees can suffer: Individual employees can suffer: death death serious injury serious injury pain and/or long-term suffering pain and/or long-term suffering disability disability Money can also be lost through employees being absent from work (the site may be closed for an investigation) or personal injury prevents employee from being able to work. Money can also be lost through employees being absent from work (the site may be closed for an investigation) or personal injury prevents employee from being able to work.
Accidents – reporting The law requires us to report accidents. The law requires us to report accidents. All accidents need to be reported and entered into the Accident Book. All accidents need to be reported and entered into the Accident Book. Serious accidents and those where employees are absent as a result of an accident for more than three days must be reported to the Enforcing Authority (Health and Safety Executive). Serious accidents and those where employees are absent as a result of an accident for more than three days must be reported to the Enforcing Authority (Health and Safety Executive).
Preventing Accidents – Summary Employees can help prevent accidents by: Employees can help prevent accidents by: following the training and instructions given following the training and instructions given following the employer’s workplace procedures following the employer’s workplace procedures reporting hazardous situations reporting hazardous situations keeping the workplace clean and tidy keeping the workplace clean and tidy not fooling around at work not fooling around at work using common sense and being alert using common sense and being alert asking when unsure of what to do or how to do something. asking when unsure of what to do or how to do something.