From Foresight to Innovation - An Approach from Australia in the Building Construction Industry From Foresight to Innovation – Bridging The Gap German Foresight Conference, Hamburg 9th/10th of October 2008 Working Group 4: Systemic Innovation Policy Instruments
German Foresight Conference: From Foresight to Innovation – Bridging the Gap, Hamburg, 9th of October 2008 Recognition by the copper industry in Australia that, with the emergence of new technologies, it was important to look ahead to the changes likely to occur over the next 20 years in one of its largest market sectors – the building construction Industry Support from the Government for an industry-led initiative that would explore changes in needs, markets and technologies that will affect the infrastructure and building construction industries, particularly home building, with the added objective of building stronger networks within the fragmented industry Point of Departure
German Foresight Conference: From Foresight to Innovation – Bridging the Gap, Hamburg, 9th of October Engagement of the major players and stakeholders in the industry, leading to agreement that the construction of a technology roadmap would be a useful investment 2.Formation of a steering committee of high profile leaders in peak industry organisations, corporations and academia to provide guidance for its strategy and planning 3.Construction of 4 distinct scenarios of 2025 based on a dominant China, major climate change, an unstable, insecure world, and a community-oriented society, and examination of their implications for the requirements of housing Approach - I
German Foresight Conference: From Foresight to Innovation – Bridging the Gap, Hamburg, 9th of October 2008 Approach - II 4.A focus group with 15 year olds to identify the features of their ideal house of the future 5.A 2nd roundtable explored the future ‘last kilometre’ of infrastructure services to/within the property. Key issues of supply, sustainability and government regulation were explored under the same scenarios 6.The 3rd roundtable examined the enabling technologies that would address the key characteristics of housing identified: –flexibility in design and construction –water and energy supply and management –communications, entertainment and work –comfort, security and health –smart services –maintenance
German Foresight Conference: From Foresight to Innovation – Bridging the Gap, Hamburg, 9th of October 2008 Approach - III 6.Construction of a roadmap 7.Presentation of the roadmap to major meetings of industry representatives, which included a process to identify the most important components of the roadmap 8.Establishment of 6 working groups of industry representatives to work on the six elements of the roadmap identified as most important and most promising 9.Identification of actions and investments to be made by various companies individually and collectively to implement the roadmap
German Foresight Conference: From Foresight to Innovation – Bridging the Gap, Hamburg, 9th of October 2008 An agreed industry ‘Action Agenda’ which set targets for production markets and sales, including exports, and identified actions that needed to be collectively taken The approved Action Agenda became eligible for Government funding Six detailed development plans Significant sales and exports from two new products arising from the plans Ongoing development of a number of other potential products A substantially strengthened industry network Outcomes
German Foresight Conference: From Foresight to Innovation – Bridging the Gap, Hamburg, 9th of October 2008 Lessons learned The importance of continuing independent facilitation The long time commitment – the process has run for three years already – some companies have not lasted the course Regular meetings (minimum of once a month) and a commitment to complete agreed tasks between meetings are essential to maintain progress The importance of continuity in membership – change of personnel seriously disrupt the process The value of the injection of modest government funding The need to clarify IP ownership at the outset of the working group operation