Construction Pitso 2013 Comments on: “Different Associations to enforce a code of conduct” Presentation by ABCON
Introduction October 2011 – questions asked: 1. Are we going to be here in a year’s time and talk about the same things? 2. Are we going to change our attitudes towards our jobs and make it our responsibility? 3. Are we serious about ending corruption, bribery, by deciding to act faster ?
Different Associations Associations is voluntary – they have no “teeth” therefore associations cannot administer justice Industry wants Government to recognise the existing associations and give them teeth – if not members walk away when disciplined Industry wants a Central Regulatory Body – did all the preparatory work themselves – put forward proposals December 2010 Announcement scheduled to be made at cancelled Pitso of December 2012 – now Aug 2013
Code of conduct In the meantime a “Code of conduct” developed by BOCCIM Took 8 months to get a workshop for the construction industry Who attended one of those workshops? Who got a copy and read it? Who accepted the code of conduct and made it part of their business life? So - What happened since then? Nothing?
Questions? Will you listen to a whistle blower? Will you support a whistle blower? Will you protect a whistle blower? Will you reward a whistle blower? Will you employ a whistle blower? Will you be brave enough to be a whistle blower? Will you put forward plans in your company, department, ministry to encourage whistle blowing?
If anyone in this room? said no to any one of the questions is not prepared to take a stand to protect this country and use its resources wisely does not want to start acting condone, support, protect, illegal sand suppliers deliberately slowdown decisions, projects, plans, certificates or payments to receive an incentive think they do not need to get involved think that it is someone else’s responsibility think it is ok to play with people’s lives
Then we have already lost the battle.
Actions! Make a decision: that by the next Pitso – 2014 we will have all the Acts regulating professional bodies in place that the Construction Industry Regulatory Body will be up and running that business ethics will immediately become part of our home, school, university, and industry that safety becomes an integral part of our home, school, university and industry that your company, department, ministry will be the most ethical in Botswana
Conclusion Until everyone in this country makes business ethics and the proper execution thereof part of their daily routine Until perpetrators are actually found guilty in court and jailed Until there are proper measures taken to protect the client, the contractor and everyone in between Until we relinquish our dreams of quick riches and teach our children patience Until then we have not achieved anything
So? What is your decision: Act? or Hide?
Choice? The choice is yours! BUT REMEMBER The result of your choice is for your children and their children to suffer or enjoy
Thank you for making the right decision