SI Units
WHY SWITCH? 1 pound = 16 ounces
WHY SWITCH? 12 inches = 1 foot 3 ft = 1 yard 1760 yards = 1 mile
WHY SWITCH? 1 kilometer = 1000 meters 1 meter = 1000 millimeters 1 kilogram = 1000 grams 1 gram = 1000 milligrams 1 kilosecond = 1000 seconds 1 second = 1000 milliseconds
BASE UNITS mass (kilograms) length (meters) temperature (Kelvins) electric current (amperes) time (seconds)
DERIVED UNITS x xx = = xx =
SI UNIT NAMES centi-gram milli-second kilo-meter What it measures How much
SI UNITS & SCIENTIFIC NOTATION 3.14 × meters 3,140,000,000,000 meters 3.14 Tm
SI UNITS & SCIENTIFIC NOTATION 8.12 × seconds seconds 8.12 ns
SI UNITS & SCIENTIFIC NOTATION PREFIXSYMBOLSCIENTIFIC NOTATION SCALE giga-GE 9 (x 10 9 )1,000,000,000 mega-ME 6 (x 10 6 )1,000,000 kilo-kE 3 (x 10 3 )1,000 hecto-hE 2 (x 10 2 )100 deka-DE 1 (x 10 1 )10 base--1 deci-dE -1 (x )0.1 centi-cE -2 (x )0.01 milli-mE -3 (x )0.001 micro- μ E -6 (x ) nano-nE -9 (x )
CONVERTING FROM SI TO SN Convert 20 mm to m: Convert 400s to ns:
Convert the following: 1.33 km to m Dg to g 3.38,000,000,000 s to Gs x 10 3 mm to m cK to K GUIDED PRACTICE
1.Be able to write the entire SI Unit Conversion Chart from memory (available on Moodle) 2.Be able to convert to and from Base SI Units 3.Be able to convert from Scientific Notation to SI Units 4.Be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide in Scientific Notation (Get with a partner and start studying the SI Unit Conversion Chart) QUIZ TOMORROW