INTRODUCTION Bluetooth technology is code name for Personal Area Network (PAN) technology that makes it extremely easy to connect a mobile, computing device to wireless phones and modems. It is a short range radio technology that allows virtually any digital device telecommunication, personal computing, networking automotive and consumes electronic to communicate without wrestling with numerous cords or cables. Bluetooth wireless communicates and how we connect device. Cables become a thing of the past thanks to robust, low cost Bluetooth chips.
HISTORY The name of Bluetooth comes from Dutch ruler “Harald Bluetooth” in late 900 A.D. who ruled and united greater part of Denmark and Norway during the reign. This is what this technology is trying to achieve, uniting devices through Bluetooth. The name of Bluetooth comes from Dutch ruler “Harald Bluetooth” in late 900 A.D. who ruled and united greater part of Denmark and Norway during the reign. This is what this technology is trying to achieve, uniting devices through Bluetooth. The idea that resulted in the Bluetooth Wireless technology was born in 1994 when Ericsson Mobile Communication decided to investigates the feasibility of a low cost radio interface between mobile phones and their accessories. The idea that resulted in the Bluetooth Wireless technology was born in 1994 when Ericsson Mobile Communication decided to investigates the feasibility of a low cost radio interface between mobile phones and their accessories.
Over view of protocol stack The figure shows that the protocol stack consists of a radio layer at the bottom which forms the physical connection interface. The base band and Link Manager Protocol (LMP) that reside over it are basically meant to establish and control links between Bluetooth devices. These three bottom layers are typically implemented in hardware. The Host Controller Layer is required to interface the Bluetooth hardware to the upper protocol-L2CAP (Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol). The host controller is required only when the L2CAP resides in software in the host. If the L2CAP is also on the Bluetooth module, this layer may not be required as then the L2CAP can directly communicate with the LMP and base band. Application resides above L2CAP.
Base band The base band unit is hardware consisting of flash memory and a CPU which interfaces with the radio unit and the host device electronic at the hardware level. The base band hardware provides all required functionality to establish and maintain a Bluetooth wireless connection between devices. Two types of links can be established. SCO : Synchronous Connection Oriented. These links are meant for synchronous data-typically voice. ACL : Asynchronous Connection Less. These links may be used for data transfer applications, which do not require a synchronous link.
Link Manager Protocol The basic functions of LMP can be classified as: Link configuration Security function A Pico net is a group of devices connected to a common channel, which is identified with its unique hop sequence. One of the devices, usually the one which first initiated the connection is the master. Up to seven other devices can be actively connected to this master, and many more could be connected in a low power "parked" state. Any two or more devices that need to communicate must establish a Pico net among themselves.
Pico nets and Scatter net a) A Pico net between two devices a) A Pico net between two devices b) A Pico net between many devices b) A Pico net between many devices c) A scatter net, a combination of Pico nets with some devices common to the Pico nets. c) A scatter net, a combination of Pico nets with some devices common to the Pico nets.
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol This is the protocol with which most applications would interact unless a host controller is used. The basic functions of the L2CAP are: Multiplexing Multiplexing The protocol must allow multiple applications to use a link between two devices simultaneously. Segmentation and Reassembly Segmentation and Reassembly The protocol must reduce the size of packets provided by applications to the size of packets accepted by Base band. L2CAP itself accepts packet sizes up to 64kb but the base band packets can accept a payload of at most 2745 bits. Quality of Service L2CAP allows applications to certain parameters like peak bandwidth, latency and delay variation. L2CAP checks if the link is capable of providing it and provides it if possible. Basically, L2CAP provides the network layer functions to applications and higher protocols.
Host controller in the protocol stack
Host Controller Interface The data to be sent to LMP and base band travels over the physical bus like USB. A driver for this bus is required on the "host", that is the PC, and a "host controller interface" is required on the Bluetooth hardware card to accept data over the physical bus. The data to be sent to LMP and base band travels over the physical bus like USB. A driver for this bus is required on the "host", that is the PC, and a "host controller interface" is required on the Bluetooth hardware card to accept data over the physical bus. HCI driver HCI driver This is the drivers for host controller interface. It resides in the host, above the physical bus, and formats the data to be accepted by the Host Controller on the Bluetooth hardware.
Ad Loc Connectivity In ad hoc networks, there is no difference between radio units. Communication is peer to peer with no central controller. Conventionally in ad hoc wireless networks, all devices sharing a common space will share the same channel, and will mutually coordinate in its sharing.
(a) A cellular network with squares representing stationary base stations (b) A conventional ad hoc (a) A cellular network with squares representing stationary base stations (b) A conventional ad hoc (c) Scatter ad hoc network (c) Scatter ad hoc network Thus it is clear that the Bluetooth system due to its very nature of application will have to use scatter net kind of adhoc connectivity. Thus it is clear that the Bluetooth system due to its very nature of application will have to use scatter net kind of adhoc connectivity.
Application layer The applications may use other protocols like TCP-IP or WAP and Bluetooth allows these to inter operate. The applications may themselves run PPP (Point to point protocol), FTP (file transfer protocol) or other specific protocols as required by the application. An application may use the SDP to discover whether the service it needs from a remote device is available.
Some of these are: The Automatic Synchronizer : Seamless connectivity between the user's PDA's, laptop and mobile will allow applications to automatically update and synchronize schedules and other data when modifications are made on one device. The Automatic Synchronizer : Seamless connectivity between the user's PDA's, laptop and mobile will allow applications to automatically update and synchronize schedules and other data when modifications are made on one device. Wireless headsets : These will allow access to user's mobiles and audio services even while the devices are in the user's pocket. Thus hands free operation will be possible. Wireless headsets : These will allow access to user's mobiles and audio services even while the devices are in the user's pocket. Thus hands free operation will be possible. Car Kits : Hands free devices will allow users to access their phones without letting their hands off the steering wheel. Apart from these, a large variety of other applications in home automation, data sharing handheld while walking through, toddler alarms, security systems, network access at public places and hidden computing have been suggested, some of which have been successfully demonstrated. Car Kits : Hands free devices will allow users to access their phones without letting their hands off the steering wheel. Apart from these, a large variety of other applications in home automation, data sharing handheld while walking through, toddler alarms, security systems, network access at public places and hidden computing have been suggested, some of which have been successfully demonstrated.
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