An Ho IMDL Spring 2014 Instructors: Dr. Arroyo & Dr. Schwartz TA: Andrew Gray
Mission A companion pet Response to command and giving feedback Seek object specified by owner
Platform Raspberry Pi + Gertduino boards Two wheels with motor driver Circular base, two floors: 1 st : Hold motors, motor controller, IR, bumper 2 nd : Hold RPi + uC boards, camera + servos Bluetooth headset, speaker
Connection Overview Raspberry Pi Gertduino Headset Motor Controller Camera Servos
Procedure Obstacle Avoidance Front IR sensors active during driving Bumper in front and back; push button Stand still on boot up Track object in front of camera Remember object Find object
Intelligent Detect object based on color/shape Focus its eyes on the object Camera moves using 2 servos Use OpenCV Voice recognition Use open source library Response and change state based on command from headset