Keeping Control January 2013
Introduction. The National Member Services Committee has developed a series of National Education Seminars to help our Lodges run more effectively. A number of sessions are available ranging from meeting management to public relations. Just contact the National office for more information ( ).
Topics of Discussion. Understanding how Parliamentary Procedure helps us reach group decisions in a fair and diplomatic manner. Understanding the importance of controlling a meeting. Giving every member the right to speak. Adapting Parliamentary Procedure to fit your meeting.
What is Parliamentary Procedure? A set of guidelines that allow people to meet as a group and deal with an issue. It has been practised for centuries and can be traced back to the early Europeans of the 5 th century A.D. As groups evolved so have these guidelines. They provide the structure for fair and diplomatic discussions to take place.
They talk too much!! Every member attending the meeting has the right to have his/her opinion heard. An Exalted Ruler uses Parliamentary Procedure to ensure this right. The Exalted Ruler also uses it to make sure a member doesn’t monopolize the discussions. Members are controlled, time is used efficiently, meetings run effectively.
Different styles. Parliamentary Procedure can be adapted to a particular type of meeting. The more formal the meeting the closer the group should follow strict procedures. Lodge meetings tend to be more formal than committee meetings. Less formal meetings should still follow a set procedure.
Reference Material. An overview of Parliamentary Procedure is available from the National office, There is also a book available for purchase from the National Office, “Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance”. It’s a good idea for the Exalted Ruler to have a copy of this book with him/her at every meeting.
Recap. Parliamentary Procedure isn’t something new. Parliamentary Procedure allows people to reach group decisions in a fair and diplomatic manner. Parliamentary Procedure helps control your meetings. Everyone has a right to speak.
Putting it into Action. Review the “Overview” available from the nation office and critique your next Lodge meeting. Consider holding Parliamentary Procedure education sessions at your meetings. There is a handout from the national office to help you start. Develop more on your own. Have a Parliamentary Procedure reference book handy.