Fuel Control GateControl CarWash Control
CardMaster is the industry low cost fleet fueling controller for trucking, public works, & farm fleets. CardMaster’s versatility and flexibility adapts to each customers needs.
CardMaster’s Primary purpose: Fuel Pump Control & Reporting Dual Pump
Typical small fleet application
● Construction Mobile fuelers ● Lube vans ● Trash compactors ● Water trucks ● FBO airport mobile fuelers ● Solar Panel Power sites 12vdc/24vdc applications:
Physical features include: Sturdy Metal Box Quality Powder Coat Finish Full length Hinge on lid 12 key weatherproof keypad Back-lit 16 character LCD Key locked lid for security
Each unit controls two (2) fueling points. (2 singles, or 1 dual) 120/240 vac operation Two 1½ HP 30 amp relays per fueling point. Includes Auto / Manual by-pass switch for each hose position
CardMaster fuel control systems available in two versions: Feature:CardMasterCardMaster II Transaction Memory Cards/Accounts999 Misc. 6 Digit Fields14 CardMaster can be authorized by: magnetic stripe card, or by keypad entry of the card number
Expiration Date, or unlimited Quantity Limit per transaction Specific Products authorized One or more of the below prompts: ODOMETER VEHICLE NUMBER EMPLOYEE NUMBER Create your own field names Basic capabilities of CardMaster and CardMaster II card control include:
RS-422/485 Journal Printer RS-422/485 Reporting Data to external devices. Communication Ports:
Management system interfaces: CM-ECM Internet /Cellular One of our most popular options is the CM-ECM Internet/Cellular Modem. It is Internet on the customer PC’s, which calls the cellular modem “behind the scenes”
Management system interfaces: CM-ECM Internet /Cellular A major advantage is that the software can be on any and/or all of the PC’s the customer wants it to be. And even be used from the local WiFi coffee shop by laptop.
Management system interfaces: RF from the CardMaster to the kiosk or building can save installation cost of digging, installing conduits, and serial cabling. CM-RF – wireless (no conduits)
Management system interfaces: CM-LAN module (Shipped installed in the CM) integrates your CardMaster either into a LAN (local area network), or WAN (wide area network). CM-LAN is hardwired in conduit from the island to the kiosk or building PC. CM-LAN
Designed for the small fleet operators! CardMaster’s capabilities exceed the price ! Try us! You will be pleased.
AND – it is Cost effective to have multiple CardMaster’s on a site! Dual Pump
Why, cost and reliability! Several CardMasters cost less than one complex competitive system. AND The more complex larger systems have the potential to shut down your whole site with failure of the central board or component!
County Fuel Yard with three dual dispensers and three CardMaster Fuel Controllers
This site has six (6) CardMasters, and needs one for gate control
Report Generator Program installs on your PCs, under your control: Accurate Data at your fingertip
CM-HostCT CardMaster’s new software program combines Terminal Emulation with Report Generation and Formatting. Starting with VISTA M/S no longer includes a terminal program in the operating software. CM-HostCT is popular in part because it has a lot fewer steps to the process.
CM-HostCT Bundled in CM-HostCT is our popular “CardTransPorter” highly flexible report package for management provides reports that: ● Sort data by any & all data fields ● Total by groups or sub groups. The next screen shows the sorting choices
CM-HostCT- Sort Menu
CardTransPorter Report by Card No.
CardMaster’s CW version controls fleet car washes such as roll over, wand, or truck washes. The duration of the “wash” can either be controlled by our timer, or by relay contact switches from the car wash. CardMaster for fleet car wash facilities
CardMaster “GateControl” secures facilities such as terminals, bulk Plants, unattended restrooms, as well as warehouses Men MEN WOMEN
Cardlock Vending strongly believes in service support, prior to the sale, and ongoing after the sale. We provide regional training classes, and as well, provide training classes at the factory, with appointment