San Mateo County Workforce Development and Prevention Early Intervention Linking Efforts to Improve Care and Create a Recovery Oriented System of Care
San Mateo Workforce Development and Education
Workforce Development Priorities ▪ Lived Experience Workforce Development ▪ Workforce of the Future – Diversity and Youth ▪ WRAP ▪ Trauma-Informed Care ▪ Treatment of Co-Occurring Conditions
Suicide Prevention ▪ People with co-occurring conditions account for 69% of completed suicides in San Mateo County ▪ Applied Suicide Prevention Skills Training – funded via PEI – Technical Assistance and Capacity Building. Trained four trainers, one more trained via Cal MHSA funding. ▪ Mental Health First Aid – WET funding to address cultural competence. MHFA brings early intervention to diverse communities and reduces health disparities.
Suicide Prevention ▪ Campus presentations on suicide prevention has resulted in student contact with behavioral health staff and has increased interest in the field. ▪ Training embedded into the Suicide Prevention Monthly Meeting and regional Bay Area Suicide and Crisis Intervention.
Trauma-informed Care ▪ Some early funding of Transformative Life Skills ▪ PEI funding to provide Seeking Safety to Youth – training provided by Dr. Najavits and through in-house trainers and consultation ▪ Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics – Building a trauma-informed youth system of care using the work of Dr. Bruce Perry ▪ Funded through PEI – Technical Assistance and Capacity Building ▪ Thirty eight in Phase 1; Will have ten trainers in Phase 2 – Create sustainability
Prevention and Recovery in Early Psychosis ▪ Train our Prevention and Recovery in Early Intervention (PREP) in NMT ▪ PREP staff have trained BHRS and contract staff in some basics of CBT for psychosis. Staff skills in recognizing early psychosis has improved as referral pathway between PREP and programs/clinics and agencies have improved.
Lived Experience in the Workforce ▪ Lived Experience Trainers have participated in prevention efforts in ways which have provided additional perspective for clinicians and community members training in prevention topics ▪ Suicide Prevention Programming – SP Forums ▪ NMT – the impact of trauma on youth ▪ PREP – Important of early intervention ▪ Mental Health First Aid – People with Lived Experience have become trainers.
Media ▪ Digital stories and Photo Voice created by people with lived experience as PEI efforts for the community are also being used by trainers to educate on client-centered responding around topics such as suicide, depression, eating disorders, sexuality, and immigration, among other topics
Intention: Build a comprehensive continuous system of care which addresses complexity among our communities by supporting recovery and wellness in prevention, early intervention and treatment.