Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Who Wants to Clean a Million Air !
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Most employees…. A Take the bus to work B Walk or cycle to work C Carpool to work D Drive Alone
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Buses emit 80% less carbon monoxide per passenger km than SOVs. A True B False
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Walking 2 kilometres takes an average of how long? B 30 minutes C 60 minutes A 15 minutes D 2 km? I’d take the car!
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Streets, parking, and alleys take up how much of the average urban area? A 40% B 30% C 20%D 10%
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Who Wants to Clean a Million Air !
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 What is the domain extension for this web-based rideshare program?
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 What is the most commonly cited reason for not carpooling? B Too expensive C Don’t know anyone to pool with A Not enough time D Not flexible enough
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 When building a parkade, what is the average cost per parking stall? C $20,000 A $5,000 D $35,000 B $10,000
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Which transportation alternative has the lowest cost per passenger km of motorized transportation? A VanpoolB Carpool C TransitD Motorcycle
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Who Wants to Clean a Million Air !
Developed by Updated January 3, is what kind of program? A A computerized dating service B A ride-matching and rideshare management program C A video game D An automatic car wash program
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 According to the Canadian Automobile Association, how much do Canadians spend to drive their cars every year? A $9,000 D $3,000 C $5,000 B $8,000
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 If everyone on Earth lived like the average Canadian, how many Earths would we need to sustain our lifestyles? A One B Two C Four D Seven
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 According to Stats Canada, Canadians spend an average of how long commuting (round trip)? B 36 minutes C 46 minutes D 66 minutes A 26 minutes
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Who Wants to Clean a Million Air !
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 A good alternative to taking your car to work is: A Taking the bus B Walking C Cycling D Carpooling E All of the Above
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 The average car produces X times its weight in CO 2 every year? C3 times D2 times A5 times B4 times
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 On average, how much do Canadians spend on transportation each month? C$475 B$300 D$750 A$225
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 In automobiles, how much energy is used for forward motion? B45% D90%C75% A20%
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Who Wants to Clean a Million Air !
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Walking to work can have which of the following benefits? A Decreased risk of disease B Potential weight loss C Improved self-esteem D All of the above
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 After housing, what is the largest expense for the average Canadian household? A Utilities B Transportation C Food D Entertainment
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Does idling your engine for 10 seconds costs ‘more’ or ‘less’ than turning off and re- starting your car? AMore BLess
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Employees who telework 2 days per month reduce sick leave by how many days per year? A 4 daysB1 day C2 days DNo effect
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Who Wants to Clean a Million Air !
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 What is carpooling? A 2 or more people sharing the expense of owning one car B 2 or more people sharing a minivan provided by Transit C 2 or more people sharing the ride to one destination
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 How much air pollution does one car emit into the air each year? A1 tonneB3 tonnes C5 tonnes D8 tonnes
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 How many minutes of physical activity per day does Health Canada recommend? A 5 to 10 minutes B 15 to 25 minutes C 30 to 60 minutes D 90 to 120 minutes
Developed by Updated January 3, 2008 Widening a two lane urban arterial road to four car lanes costs how much per kilometre? A $1.3 million B $2.7 million C $3.5 million D $4.6 million