Eden Central School District CCLS Training Resources March 6, 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Eden Central School District CCLS Training Resources March 6, 2012

The sad truth… About 1/3 of first-year students in take at least one remedial course (42% at two-year colleges). U.S. Department of Education People who cannot write and communicate clearly will not be hired and are not likely to be considered for promotion College Board College Board Survey of 120 major American corporations employing nearly 8 million people

The College and Career Ready Student in ELA Independent, collaborative, self-directed Strong Content Knowledge Adapt and Adjust Communication Comprehend and Critique Value Evidence Tech & Media Literate Cultural Understanding

Design CCR and Grade-Specific Standards Grade levels K-5,6-12 Bands 9-10 & Focus on Results rather than Means Integrated Model of Literacy Research & Media Skills woven through One document: Literacy for SS/History and Science/Technology

College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR) or Anchor Standards

Reading 11 Standards Reading 11 Standards Writing 11Standards Writing 11Standards Speaking & Listening 6 Standards Speaking & Listening 6 Standards Language 6 Standards Language 6 Standards

Reading Progressive development of comprehension Texts of appropriate complexity & increasing sophistication Appendix A

Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity 11. History/SS (6-12) Science/Technology (6-12)

Reading Strand 11 Standards Reading Strand 11 Standards Key Ideas & Details Craft & Structure Integration of Knowledge & Ideas Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity 3 Standards- Deep Comprehension Determine Importance & Summarizing Analysis 3 Standards Analysis of language and vocabulary Text Structure Point of View 3 Standards: Integrate and evaluate content from various sources Evaluate validity of text claims Analyzing and comparing texts Independently reading increasingly complex text Responding to Literature Literary -American & World Informational Cultures

CCR Reading Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. K: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. 3: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. 7: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text : Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Foundational Skills

Observations on Reading Very High Literacy and Literary Expectations Highly Rigorous Independence with complex literacy tasks Writing Workshop would address all standards Seminal/foundational U.S. works

Text Types - K-5

Informational Text Greater attention to Informational Text Informational reading in courses other than ELA must take place

3 types: arguments/opinion, information/explanatory, narrative Support with reason and evidence Research: short and sustained Technology Appendix A & B (Samples)

Production & Distribution of Writing Research to Build & Present Knowledge Range of Writing 3 Standards- Text Types: 1. Argument 2. Informative/Explanatory 3. Narrative 3 Standards: 4. Produce Clear and Coherent Writing 5. Quality writing through Writing Process 6. Publish and Produce &Collaborate through Technology 3 Standards: 7. Short and Sustained Projects 8. Gather and evaluate information from Multiple Sources 9. Text Evidence to support Analysis, Reflection and Research 10. Writing Routinely for both extended and shorter time frames Responding to Literature 11. Respond to literature in a variety of formats with personal, cultural, thematic and textual connections

Writing Types Narrative Informational/ Explanatory Opinion/ Argument Personal narrative All about…Personal Essay Realistic FictionHow ToPersuasive Research Historical FictionNon-Fiction books Literature Response MemoirNon-Fiction articles Argument in SS & Science FictionDescriptive text

Observations on Writing Starting in 3 rd Grade, Standards 1-3 include increased expectations (a-d/e/f) Writing Workshop would address all standards Increased emphasis on technology other than word-processing NYS additions add creative writing (5-12)

Speaking & Listening Wide range of settings and formats Effective Communication Interpretation & Analysis

Comprehension & Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas 1. Prepare/participate in meaningful conversations 2. Integrate/evaluate information in diverse media & formats 3. Evaluate speaker’s language & argument 4. Clear, effective presentation 5. Digital media and visual display 6. Adapt speech to occasion (formal/informal) Speaking & Listening 6 Standards Speaking & Listening 6 Standards

Observations on Listening and Speaking Emphasis on diverse media, situations, audiences Literature Circles, Socratic Seminar 21 st Century Skills: Communication and Collaboration New York Additions emphasize communication with individuals from different cultural backgrounds Technology: audio (2 nd grade), multimedia (5 th ), interactive (9 th )

Language Conventions (writing and speaking) Vocabulary Integrated into reading, writing, speaking, and listening

Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition & Use 1. Grammar and usage 2. Capitalization, punctuation, spelling 3. Use knowledge of language in different contexts and for meaning, style, & comprehension 4. Determine meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words 5. Word relationships and meaning nuances 6. Acquire general academic and domain- specific words and phrases Language 6 Standards

Observations on Language Specific grammar skills at each grade Beyond definitions: Multiple meanings, connotation, figures of speech, word relationships “General academic vocab AND domain- specific words and phrases” Mentor texts as models of high quality language

Speaking & Listening 6 Standards Language 6 Standards Writing 11 Standards Reading Strand 11 Standards

R-History/SS 11 Standards R-History/SS 11 Standards W-History/SS, Science, &Tech 11 Standards W-History/SS, Science, &Tech 11 Standards R-History/SS 11 Standards R-History/SS 11 Standards

Appendix A Text Complexity –3-Part Measurement –Sample Texts –Foundational Skills Writing Text Types Speaking & Listening Language –Vocabulary Glossary

Appendix B Text Exemplars K-12 –Complexity, Quality, Range Sample Performance Tasks –Language of standard & standard code Grade Bands

Readability of Text Importance of Matching Reader to Text Flesh-Kincaid Fry Guided Reading (F&P) ATOS (Grade Equiv.) Lexile Book Wizard…. Appendix B

Appendix C Student samples (K-12) 3 types of writing*** Annotation with evidence



SL.3.5 RL.2.1 WHST c RF.5.3a W a R.CCR.4

Anchor Standard- End Goal Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence. With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text. Kindergarten :