iPad, iPod Touch and Apps Making Sense of the iWorld for Individuals with Special Needs Debbie Drennan, MSW
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Parents Helping Parents & iTECH Services Trainings Techsplorations T.I.P program (Early Start ages 0-3) Consultations AAC/Communication expertise Information and referral Toy-switch surgeon Member, AT Network of California (855) toll free
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Overview of Presentation Participants will; Learn about the built in features of iDevices Learn how to manage the Apps in iTunes Find out about a variety of apps in different areas, and find out where to learn more Have a chance to share knowledge!
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Before We Begin… Apps list not exhaustive-just a sample of what is available iDevices and Apps for Assistive Technology and/or AAC (Communication) should be considered in conjunction with an evaluation by a qualified specialist as part of a comprehensive plan
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Before the Device… What's the task? What is the student/clients's level of performance at this time? What is the student/clients's level of participation at this time? What are the features the student/client needs? How does the iPad AND THE APP you are considering match those tasks and features? What data do you have that the student/client can use the iPad for those tasks? What's the expected benefit to the student/client?
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Why use iDevices? Ease of Interface Socially Acceptable- cool One device can be used for a variety of goals; communication, reading, writing, etc Lightweight and Portable Economical, especially in comparison to dedicated AAC devices
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 The Downside.. Potential for Theft Easy to Lose Management of Apps requires time for all the updates Potentially need time to set up each device for each user Easy for device to become an entertainment tool
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Device Details iPod Touch : Wi-Fi only 8GB to 64GB $229-$399 4 hours to charge, 7-14 hours playtime per charge 2 cameras, front and back iPad2: Wi-Fi only:16-64GB, $499-$699 Wi-Fi and 3G:16-64GB, $629-$ hours to charge, around 10 hour battery life 2 cameras, front and back
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Features of Operating System Voice Over Zoom Restrictions Auto-Correction, Auto-Capitalization International Keyboards Font Size White on Black
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Where Do I Find all these? Settings-General Under Accessibility: Voice Over: Three finger scroll, Braille Bluetooth hook-up available, Web and Language Adjustments Zoom: Double-Tap with three fingers to zoom, use three fingers to move around screen when on Large Text- goes up to 56 point text in built in apps White on Black Speak Auto-text- Speaks auto-corrections and capitalizations out loud Restrictions-Sets 4 digit code to restrict access to certain apps
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Apps that are Included Calendar with Alerts (if desired) Contacts Photos (picture library) Camera Voice Memo Notes Clock iTunes iPod (Music library) Safari App Store Game Center You Tube Maps Mail Face Time (iPad2 and iPod Touch)
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 App and Device Management Education Can use a Cart for updating, loading apps en masse (PowerSync Cart, oducts/ ) oducts/ App licensing for education available ( es/education/ ) es/education/ Do NOT need to have credit card on file in iTunes to have account Personal Must have your iTunes account on device to update or add apps Can have multiple accounts on one device, but can only sync to one computer, or lose the apps from the other account Up to 5 devices for personal use per app Recommend: Once a week updating for devices/apps!
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 And Now, Apps! Areas covered Vision Organization Reading support Writing support
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Vision Apps LookTel Money Reader (EyeNote-free app by government, not as good) Zoom Reader Sendero LookAround GPS VizWiz More Apps can be found at ipad-apps-for-magnification-and-vision-support ipad-apps-for-magnification-and-vision-support
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 LookTel Money Reader- $1.99 Point camera at US bills, it will orally tell you what the bill is.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 ZoomReader- $19.99 Using camera, magnifies up to 4x, reads text out loud, can vary speed of output, pitch, can highlight, etc
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Sendero LookAround GPS- $4.99 Using GPS and vibration features of device, it tells you where you are, and nearest points of interest (defaults to restaurants). Works best outside.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 VizWiz- free Allows user to use camera to take a picture/ask a question, then choose to ask Web Workers, or the IQ Engine (image identifier), someone or Twitter feed to get the answer
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Organization Apps Evernote Awesome Note mSecure Additional Apps can be found at gned_with_Disability_in_Mind.pdf under Organization/Study Skills gned_with_Disability_in_Mind.pdf
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Evernote- free Multi-platform cloud sharing tool. Can take notes in multiple ways, save them to the cloud account, then share them or pull them down on almost any device
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Awesome Note- $3.99/ $4.99 Can create own folders to save notes, ideas, etc. Syncs with Google Docs, can set alarms for reminders. Calendar integrated into it.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 mSecure -$4.99 Remember one password, and store all the other passwords and important information in it
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Reading Support iBooks with Voice Over enabled Read2Go RFB&D Speak It! For More apps, go to literacy-support literacy-support
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Read2Go- not available yet, $19.99 For Bookshare members, will be able to read and store Bookshare books on the iDevices! Targeted to come out soon.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 RFB&D Audio- $19.99 For Learning Ally members, allows their books to be played on idevices- New name and website for RFB&D-
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Speak It! - $1.99 Copy text into app from s, web, etc, and have it read with high quality voices. Highlights as it reads.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Writing Apps Typ-O HD AudioNote High School Special MAX (8in1) by Essay Writing Wizard Popplet See Literacy list (previous section) for more apps
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Typ-O HD (iPad only)- $14.99 Word Prediction, also reads text out loud as you write. Four dictionary sizes available, Four voices available.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 AudioNote- $4.99 Works like the LiveScribe- can type or write text while recording, then play back notes, with audio tagged to notes.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 High School Special MAX -$17.99 Writing Prompt application, includes 1. Four Independent Writing Pages - Notes, Outline, Bibliography, and Essay. 2. Assignment Prompt Page with Due Date. 3. Automatic one button compilation of your Essay and Bibliography, and ing to address of your choice. 4. Capability to more than one writing page in the same One Button Back Up Capability
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Popplet! -$4.99 Easy to use mind- mapping tool. Allows combination of text, drawings and photos.
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Peripherals Cases Stands and Mounts Bluetooth Switches and Keyboards Stylus/Pointers/Keyguards Tornado Switch Interface (available summer 2011) 0I9g 0I9g
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Cases Things to ask: Portability Durability Mounting needs Otterbox $89.95 (iPad 2) to $29.95 (iPod touch) RJ Cooper iPad Ultimate Carry Case $ AMDI iPad iAdapter-$198 (version 1 only) Button Cover- BubCap Home Button Cover-$5 for 4 bubcap.combubcap.com
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Stands and Mounts RAM Mounts- $36-$48 depending on type mount.com/Products/WheelchairMounts/tabid/2562/Defa ult.aspx mount.com/Products/WheelchairMounts/tabid/2562/Defa ult.aspx CJT Mounting- cjtmounting.com cjtmounting.com RJ Cooper stands and mounts MountMe! Freedom II - me.com/ me.com/
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Bluetooth Switches and Keyboards Switches: Bluetooth Switch Interface- $99, Super-Switch $149 Blue2-Pedal switches- $ Keyboards: Many available- some built into cases. Best option, do a google search with needed features
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Stylus/Pointers/Keyguards Stylus- many available- Pogo, Targus, etc. or, make your own- -lab-diy-ipad-stylus.html -lab-diy-ipad-stylus.html Make a stylus into a head/hand pointer- pointer/index.html pointer/index.html Keyguards- Technologies-Supplies/Categories Technologies-Supplies/Categories
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 More Information, Please! Apps for Children with Special Needs- app videos Spectronics has lists of apps for certain areas, ie, communication, reading, etc Has lists of apps with descriptions in certain areas in Document Archive Reviews of apps Unofficial list of apps for iphone/ipad broken down into categories
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Other Useful Tools Freeappalert.com Lists apps that are free for a short time-can sign up for alerts Freeappalert.com Group of family friendly app developers who blog about apps, and offer Free App Fridays
PHPs iTECH Center 6/11 Your Turn! Highlight YOUR favorite apps, YOUR experiences using the iPad/IPod touch with your child/student/client, and tips you have to help others!