Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Education First Flight Elementary School Trish Eldridge AIG Facilitator August 2014
AIG in North Carolina NC General Assembly Article 9B 115C AIG students perform or show the potential to perform at high levels of accomplishment AIG students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic areas, or both
AIG in Dare County Schools: The Dare County Plan for Gifted Education Required by NCDPI beginning with the school year Successive revisions and state reviews every 3 years, as required by NCDPI Contributions by parents of AIG students, certified staff, school principals, AIG students, Gifted Education Facilitators, Gifted Education Coordinator, and DCS Administration
AIG Student Search Any student enrolled in Dare County Schools is eligible for referral Referral can be made by School personnel Parents Student: self-referral Student: peer referral Community member
AIG Screening Process at FFES All forms and processes used are governed by the Dare County Plan for Gifted Education.
AIG Screening Process at FFES Multiple Criteria Standardized test scores CogAT EOG Other standardized test scores Classroom Performance Teacher, parent, community, student referral Student accomplishments, leadership, extracurricular participation
The Nurturing Program Nurturing Program Grades K-2 Students with high intellectual potential Referral involves checklists, interviews, classroom performance, and student work portfolios Advanced and enriched learning experiences Goal is either Talent Pool or AIG identification in 4 th grade
Talent Pool Talent Pool Grades 3-5 May include students scoring at 90 th percentile on CoGAT and/or EOG May include those who participated actively in the K-2 Nurturing Program for the most recent 2 or more years Placed in either flexible subject grouped classes or in pull-out classes with AIG identified students
Academically/Intellectually Gifted Identification Grades 4-5 (6-12 at secondary level) Students found to have strong multiple indicators of giftedness are referred to Gifted Referral Team (GRT) GRT meets with parents, homeroom teacher, and other teachers responsible for implementing service options
Academically/Intellectually Gifted Identification Individuals present sign a Differentiated Education Plan signifying their agreement to the service options for the student for one year. Original is housed with Gifted Education Facilitator at FFES Parents receive copy Teachers, parents, administrators, and appropriate personnel can request access to the DEP by setting up a meeting with the Gifted Education Facilitator
AIG Service Options Early Admission/Entrance (K) G.S. 115C-364 Parents present information showing the child is gifted and mature enough for early entrance Committee of professional educators determine eligibility and make final decision Cluster Grouping (K-5) AIG, Talent Pool, and high ability students are “clustered” in homeroom classes so they will have the opportunity to work with other students of similar ability
AIG Service Options Partial Day/Send Out Grouping (K-5) Removal of gifted children from regular classroom for a specified period of time each day or week to work with trained specialist on differentiated curriculum. Flexible Subject Grouping (3-5) Students are grouped for specific subjects based on aptitude and/or performance. Talent Pool students are placed together for instruction in their subject(s) of strength AIG are sometimes included in a flexible subject group
AIG Service Options Curriculum Compacting Streamlining the regular curriculum to “buy time” for accelerated content Pre-assessment is important to ensure previous student mastery of basic concepts Differentiated Units Concepts/skills increase in depth, breadth, and complexity
AIG at FFES Extracurricular enrichment opportunities for all 4 th or 5 th grade students Spelling Bee Fiction Diggers Odyssey of the Mind Differentiated Reading Groups Math Superstars Differentiated Stations Learning Contracts Cluster Groups
AIG at FFES Questions? Contact Trish Eldridge FFES Gifted Education Facilitator Telephone: ext. 2101