Cheer Parent Meeting September 3, 2008
Reminders of Contract Issues Grades and School Attendance –Unexcused Absences = benched 1 game –1+ Fs or 2+ Ds = benched 1 game (or until improved) My Space and Face Book –Keep it appropriate – you are held responsible for any photos you are in (this includes dress and drug/alcohol/smoking) Drugs and Alcohol –ZERO TOLERANCE!!! DON’T GET YOURSELF IN A POSITION WHERE YOU COULD GET IN TROUBLE!!! Practice/Game tardiness and attendance –3 tardies = absence –The only excused absence for practices is missing school (excused), a major medical issue (not routine ortho appt), or school related absence (ex: field trip) –Unexcused absence (or 3 tardies) = benched 1 game Making Up Games –You must serve your benched game and then also make it up at the next possible event 3 strikes, you’re out! –Benched from 3 games (for any of the above reasons) and you are off the team – this record will start over again in the winter and then in the spring
Fundraisers and Individual Accounts So Far... –Cookie dough (about $5/tub) – individual accounts –2 car washes (divided profit by total hrs worked) – individual accounts –July 4 th trash clean-up – split individual accounts and team fund –Buffalo Bill Days – split ind. and team acct Personal Expenses –Due early in season (before most fundraisers) –I charge exact amounts (i.e. uniform invoices, camp gear, camp, etc.) –You may see individual account records any time you like!
Expenditures Individual –Uniform –Camp gear –Camp –Incidentals (hair, bows, food, etc.) –Competitions (covered by fundraisers) Team –Lock-in (around $200) –Copies (at least $100/yr) –Boxes, paints, etc. –Mats ($200/ea) –Locker décor, posters, decorations, candy, etc. –Substitute (State, Nationals, etc.) –Music (2 programs + Itunes and CDs) –Choreography –CPR, trainings and insurance –Competitions (usually $25/person) The team does NOT cover – coaches salaries –Coach camp and national payments –Coach gear
Website and Are you on the current list? Would you like to add addresses? (see me or Luann after)
Parent Involvement and Upcoming Events Will need a team parent (or 2) for next year Competition bags x3 (league 11/5, NCA regionals 11/22 and State 12/5) Homecoming parade Bake sale Additional car wash Christmas party Making cookies (football)
Nationals Cost ~ $900+ (unsure of plane tickets) Dates ~ Feb. 25 – March 2 Comments, thoughts, feedback