James A. Garfield School
James A. Garfield School Mission Statement We are committed to providing an exceptional academic environment for all of our students, while focusing on their social and emotional development.
James A. Garfield School Goal Statement Through a rigorous, standards-based curriculum, and partnership within the school community, we are committed to ensuring that all students will not only meet, but exceed grade level expectations.
James A. Garfield School Beliefs Our students are significant contributors to the school environment as they help set goals and expectations. LEAP 5 th Grade Leadership Team
James A. Garfield School Beliefs The classrooms in our school are welcoming, safe, creative, and engaging places where students and teachers feel empowered to take risks and make choices.
James A. Garfield School Curriculum Our academics are grounded in research and driven by data. We adopted a new math curriculum: GO Math! for Kindergarten–Grade 5 combines creative, teaching approaches and components that offer everything needed to address the rigors of new standards and assessments. Interactive Whiteboard Lessons Online Tools Solve problems with interactive digital manipulatives Carmen Sandiego ™ Math Detective Activities eTextbook are digital versions for student access at home Provides audio reinforcement for each lesson
James A. Garfield School Literacy Curriculum We utilize: A literacy program, which follows the basic tenets of the Balanced Literacy paradigm. Differentiated instruction is provided during guided reading using level- specific texts. Reading comprehension strategies are strengthened through shared reading activities using a variety of authentic texts. Teachers and other staff members work collaboratively to enhance each other’s individual instructional practices.
James A. Garfield School Special Areas Our students are exposed to a variety of special areas including art, music, technology, Spanish, and physical education.
James A. Garfield School Kindergarten Orientation Wednesday, August 28, :30AM All Purpose Room Agenda Welcome to the Family…………………………………………….……Dr. Karen Principato. Administrator Kindergarten Expectations……………………………………….…….Ms. Samantha Nash, Teacher Meet our Nurse…….………………………………………….…….……Mrs. Hillary Roof, School Nurse Meet our PTA……………………..… Mrs. Jen Sullenberger, PTA President Tour of the School………………………………………………...……..Dr. Karen Principato Pizza and refreshments will be served in the All Purpose Room. Thank you to our wonderful PTA!
James A. Garfield School Technology All students are exposed to technologies from which they build competencies though online projects, digital presentations, and academic blogs. Each classroom is equipped with a document camera, interactive slate, interactive whiteboard, ceiling projector, FM system, and a teacher laptop to help fully infuse technology into the daily curriculum. 4 th and 5 th grade students are provided with their own Netbooks. Kindergarten students have three Android tablets to use during center time. Including 60 Dell laptops, 50 Netbooks, and10 tablets, we almost have a 1-1 student-computer ratio.
James A. Garfield School Character Education Character development is infused daily using the Six Pillars of Character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. –Awards given to Students of Great Character during Monthly Academic Awards Assemblies –Caught Being Good tickets given to individual students –Red Sneakers given to the Class of Great Character –On-Time tickets given monthly to those not late to school Prize: Family Pass to Robert’s Pool
James A. Garfield School Our talented faculty members, who are among the best, guide students in exploration, critical thinking, and creativity. They encourage our students to apply their cross-discipline knowledge to address significant, real- world issues through: Small Group InstructionInteractive Read Alouds Independent Reading Time Individual Student Conferences
James A. Garfield School Our parents and volunteers help provide the support for a wonderful partnership between home and school. This support provides our students with access to additional activities and resources that enhance the learning environment. –Read Across America Day Activities –Multicultural Day presentations –5 th Grade Yearbook –Bi-annual Book Fair –Technology Club –Field Trips, Assembly Programs
Before/After School Programs Just Kids Morning Program –Housed in our All Purpose Room –Hours from 7:00 – 8:15 AM –Light Breakfast Available –For more information, please call Just Kids at Just Kids Afternoon Program –Housed in our All Purpose Room –Hours from 3:00 – 6:00 PM –For more information, please call Just Kids at
Ways to Communicate Via Phone: Via Via Website: Via Garfield Family Newsletters Via Appointment Via Walk-ins
Click here to view Garfield’s monthly calendar. Click here to view the monthly lunch menu. Click here to read the Garfield Family Newsletter.