Vireo ETD System: Online submission and management of electronic theses and dissertations
Summary Overview of Vireo Student Submission of ETDs Graduate School Management of ETDs Configuration Settings for Vireo Use of Vireo at Texas institutions of higher learning January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
About the Vireo ETD System overview January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
What is Vireo? Electronic thesis and dissertation submission and management system Provided by the Texas Digital Library (TDL) Consists of easy student submission interface and expert management system for graduate school staff Provides for local review and approval of manuscripts Approved ETDs can be deposited in TDL federated repository and local institutional repositories (IRs) Based on ETD workflows at several Texas universities January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Why switch to Vireo? You want to provide open access to all manuscripts (no cost to student, searchable by Google) You want access to TDL training and technical support. You need customizable options and views within the management system. You want the peace of mind that comes with preservation of files in TDL repositories. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Student submission Easy, intuitive online submission of ETDs January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Student Submission System Simple and intuitive – students will likely use it only once Autofill capability for some personal information (via Shibboleth distributed authentication) Allows embargoes on any document Allows for ETDs to go to UMI Dissertation Publishing January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Student Submission: 5-Step Process Verify your personal information. Agree to the license. Enter information about your document. Upload main document and supplementary files. Confirm your information and complete the submission. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
System autofills name, e-mail, and school affiliation Student Submission Step 1: Verify your information System autofills name, e-mail, and school affiliation January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Student Submission Step 2: License agreement “…non-exclusive rights to copy, display, perform, distribute and publish the content…” Student maintains copyright to the work, outside of the non-exclusive rights. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Committee & chair information Student Submission Step 3: Document information Document information Committee & chair information Release options (embargoes, publication to UMI) January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Student Submission Step 4: Upload Your Files Student may upload supplementary files in addition to the main thesis or dissertation. There is no restriction on file formats students can upload. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Student Submission Step 5: Confirm & Submit Students may check all information and return to any previous step to make corrections using the bar at the top. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Student Submission: Submittal Complete Once submission is complete, the student receives customizable instructions for other actions he or she must take outside the Vireo system. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
ETD management Vireo’s interface for thesis office personnel January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Management System for Grad School Offices Flexible and easy-to-use interface Manuscript review process tracking Customized document lists and customizable filters for individual users Export functionality Manages communication with students and faculty chairs January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Management Interface: List available ETDs Admin users can manage the list by using savable filters January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Management Interface: Filtered list This list shows only active submissions that are currently under review. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Management Interface: Student record Within an individual ETD record, an administrative user can see: the active, viewable ETD student and document metadata the status of the submission action log showing all actions taken on this record the custom action checklist showing actions that must be taken outside the Vireo system January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Management Interface: Changing the submission status January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
configuration Customizing Vireo for your institution January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Configuration settings Create customized submission instructions Customize e-mail templates and variables Customize drop-down menus used in student submission process Control appearance and filtering options within the user interface Two levels of access: Regular administrative user and Manager (or Superuser) January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Configuration Settings: User Preferences Any administrative user can customize his or her interface to show certain columns, filters, and other information. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Configuration Settings: Application Settings Administrative “superusers” can determine: when the system is accepting submissions customized submission instructions that appear to students a custom action checklist for actions that must be taken outside the Vireo system (such as signing of documents) who has administrative and superuser access January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Configuration Settings: E-mail Settings Administrative “superusers” can determine: default options for automated e-mails e-mail templates for common messages sent from the system to students and supervisors January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Configuration Settings: Other Settings Administrative “superusers” can customize the dropdown menus that appear in the student submission interface for: Colleges Degrees Document types Graduation months January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
Vireo and the Texas Digital Library Vireo was developed by the Texas Digital Library, originally for use by its member organizations. Vireo is in production at Texas A&M University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Texas Tech University, with testing sites at several other TDL member schools (as of January 2010). Once tested and deployed widely within the state, all source code, documentation, and training materials will be made publicly available under an open-source license. January 2010 Introduction to Vireo
For more information about Vireo, please visit the Texas Digital Library Web site at or contact us at