Connect Learning & Teaching in an “E”asy way Ling Hung Senior Development Manager 29 Apr 2014
Manage resources in an easy way Move towards the era of eTextbook/eBook Engage parents in eLearning journey Agenda
Challenge Familiar with this? Manage resources
Challenge Familiar with these too? Manage resources
Solution Single sign-on access Manage resources
HKEdCityServices 用戶目錄服務
Teachers Customize with selected online platforms, eResources, learning tools and eBooks EdConnect + School page
Teachers Gather quality eResources with EdConnect function for teachers to choose EdConnect + School page
Teachers Add any eResources at their choice to enrich students’ learning experience EdConnect + School page
Teachers Distribute the selected resources to designated students by classes, levels, key stages or subjects EdConnect + School page
Students Access different eResources without memorizing multiple links or URLs Quick access to the assigned eResources in a secured online area Able to choose whether to empower eResources providers to obtain their personal data EdConnect + School page
Schools Single login to multiple eLearning platforms with HKEdCity’s ID Eliminate the need for schools to update students’ information to each of the service and content providers Activate the online platform or eBooks in real time to expedite the services process EdConnect + School page
Benefits “In one single move” WiFi connection Single sign-on access to resources Device authentication Consume only very minimal time during lessons EdConnect + School page
HKEdCityServices Next move… eTextbook/eBook
eBookshelf Support Browser IOS Android
eLearning in an “e”asy way Schools select eBooks as a list Parents pay for the selections Students login eBookshelf and eBooks will be pushed to eBookShelf automatically eBookshelfParentsStudentsSchools
Benefits Cross platform support An automated and secure service to support delivery and viewing of eBooks or other digital contents A numerous quality eResources for selections For teachers and students to experience eLearning in one go To facilitate the implementation of eBooks in schools eBookshelf
HKEdCityServices Engage parents
Online platform for parents Services Article Selection Consolidate useful information and resources for parents Parent Forum Allow parents to share and exchange ideas of how to nurture their children Master Calendar Gather programs, events and activities for parents to join EdMall Highlights Recommend quality learning resources to parents and students Parent Academy
【 e 世代‧家長童行】 Series of Seminar to explain to parents on eLearning issues through a series of seminar to allay parent concerns about eLearning impact on children to educate parents to work with schools on e-learning implementation 1 st seminar on May 9, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. 2 nd seminar on May 24, 2:30 – 4:30 HKEdCity
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