Java SE Develop Kit (JDK) 包含了編寫 Java 語言程式時可能會使用的元件。 Android SDK 開發 Android 程式的工具。 Eclipse with Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin 免費的程式編寫工具,加上 ADT plugin 就能編寫 Android App.
1. 下載並安裝前述工具 Java SE Develop Kit (JDK) Android SDK Eclipse with Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin
1. 下載並安裝前述工具 Java SE Develop Kit (JDK) Android SDK Eclipse with Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin
/javase/downloads/index.html /javase/downloads/index.html
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1. 下載並安裝前述工具 Java SE Develop Kit (JDK) Android SDK Eclipse with Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin SDK: - a set of software development tools that allows for the creation of applications.
Detect JDK
Win7 有可能會找不到 JDK ,此時請將 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_05\bin 中 的 Java.exe ,複製到 C:\Windows\SysWOW64 中
Choose Users
Choose Install Location
1. 下載並安裝前述工具 Java SE Develop Kit (JDK) Android SDK Eclipse with Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin
Both of them are capable!
All the files are contained in the zip file. 1. unzip the file 2. double click eclipse.exe in eclipse folder. Unzip Double Click
[Help] → [Install New Software]
Location :
During the installation process, you may see this window…
After installing the plugin
You can start to write and run an Android App now.
Oracle Android Developers Eclipse