N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting Technical status of RISING at GSI N. Saito - GSI for the RISING collaboration Introduction Detector performance First results of RISING Coming experiments Outline
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Fragment Separator (FRS) RISING with fast beams Rare isotope beam + Target In-beam - spectroscopy Reaction target ~ 0.5 g/cm 2 : ~ 100 MeV/u > 1000 pps Ge-array Beam production target Degrader 400 – 1000 MeV/u
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Secondary fragmentation –With a Be target –Weak inelastic excitation –Population of higher spin states Coulomb excitation –With a Au target –Inelastic excitation enhanced –One step excitation –Low spin –Excitation to high energy Type of experiments
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Atomic Background Radiation Atomic background cross section To measure - ray above ~ 400 keV Beam energy ~ 100 MeV/u X-rays from target atoms Radiative electron capture (REC) Primary Bremsstrahlung (PB) Secondary Bremsstrahlung (SB)
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar FRagment Separator (FRS) Dipole magnets : B selection ~ 100 MeV/u 400~1000 MeV/u MUSIC : Z measurement Multi-wire chambers : Tracking Fast plastic scintillator : Time of Flight (TOF) A Q BeBe c u = Degrader : E
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Identification of beam Primary beam : 86 Kr at 419 MeV/u Fragment setting : 56 Cr CATE 56 Cr
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Identification of outgoing particle CATE-Si position sensitive 0.3 mm thick Si E measurement CATE-CsI CsI + PIN diode Stop beams E measurement 55 Ni + 9 Be 108 Sn Au Two-step fragmentation Coulomb excitation CAlorimeter TElescope array E CsI E Si E CsI Si CsI 5cm E vs EZ E + EA Z ~ 0.7 A < 1
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar pp MW CATE SiCsI Target x y Beam spot reconstruction on the target x y Outgoing particle distribution on CATE Tracking of incoming & outgoing particles CATE-Si pos. res. ~ 5 mm opening angle ± 3° MW pos. res. ~ 1 mm Event-by-event Doppler correction Impact parameters
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar RISING Ge-array 15 EUROBALL cluster detectors Clusters at forward angle Large Lorentz boost ( ~0.4) Optimum Doppler shift correction Minimizing Doppler broadening Ring1 at 15.9° 70 cm Ring2 at 33.0° cm Ring3 at 36.0° cm Design (100MeV/u, 1.3MeV -ray ) Option 1 : high resolution E = 1.0 % (FWHM) = 1.5 % Option 2 : closest geometry E = 1.6 % (FWHM) = 2.8 %
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar RISING detectors Target : Au or Be 15 EUROBALL cluster Ge detectors
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar RISING detectors HECTOR array : 8 BaF 2 detectors. For GDR experiments. Time resolution : ~1 ns. Background study.
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar RISING detectors CATE
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Data acquisition system
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar First accepted proposals No.Nuclei of InterestPrimary BeamSpokespersonsExperiment TypeAccepted Request (days) 1 (S244) 34/36 Mg 48 Ca P. Mayet 2 step fragmentation lifetime Cr, 53 Ni, 45 Sc, 53 Mn 58 Ni M. Bentley2 step fragmentation Ni 86 Kr A. BraccoGDR Ca, 78 Ni, 56 Cr 86 Kr H. Grawe, H. Hübel, P.Reiter Coulex Kr, 90 Sr, 86 Se 238 U D. TonevCoulex Sn, Ru 124 Xe C. Fahlander, M. Górska Coulex Sn 238 U G. de AngelisKnock-out Xe 136 Xe A. Maj Coulex, Angular Distr. / Correlations Te 136 Xe K.-H. SpeidelCoulex, g-factor ,186,187 Pb 238 U J. Gerl, A. Andreyev G.D. Dracoulis 2 step fragmentation lifetime 8 84 Kr Coulex, Ang. Corr.~ 7 8’
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Coulomb excitation of stable 84 Kr 84 Kr at 113 MeV/u on a 0.4 g/cm 2 Au Conditions for the analysis : Particle Identification before and after the target Scattering angle selection 84 Kr : 0.5 ~ 2.5 degrees Selection of one-step Coulomb excitation =1 84 Kr : = ( from TOF measurement) Without D.c.With D.c. 84 Kr FWHM ~ 1.5 % Energy [keV]
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Coulex of radioactive beams 86 Kr 419 MeV/u → 56 Cr 136 MeV/u on Au 1.0 g/cm2 Preliminary 56 Cr 2 + ->0 +
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Two-step fragmentation 58 Ni 600 MeV/u → 55 Ni 171 MeV/u on Be 0.7 g/cm 2 Ni Co Fe Mn Cr Ca Ti Ar S Si CATE E CsI CATE dE Si Preliminary 2 + -> > > 4 + (8 + -> 6 + ) 50 Cr
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Schedule 2004 May : Two experiments at relativistic energies with HECTOR GDR in 68 Ni (A. Bracco) Shell structure at N>>Z nuclei (H. Grawe, H. Hübel, P. Reiter) Nov/Dec : Experiments at relativistic energies with MINIBALL
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar MINIBALL Angle51.3°86° Detectors53 Distance400 mm EE 0.36 %0.37 % 0.82 %0.36 % Array EE Clusters1.0 %1.5 % Clusters (70cm)1.6 %2.8 % MINIBALL0.36 %1.2% Total1.2 %4.0 % max = 7.4 % (MINIBALL at ~20cm)
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar May : Experiments at relativistic energies with HECTOR Nov/Dec : Experiments at relativistic energies with MINIBALL 2005 - April : Experiments at relativistic energies with MINIBALL Autumn : Experiments with stopped beams - -isomer decay - - and -decay - Lifetime measurements in ps~ns with electrical timing methods 2006 Experiments with relativistic beams and stopped beams Feasibility studies for experiments with slowed-down beams - Multiple Coulomb excitation - One- and two-particle transfer reactions - Fusion and deep inelastic reactions Schedule
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar. 2004
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar. 2004
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Two-step fragmentation 58 Ni 600 MeV/u → 55 Ni 171 MeV/u on Be 0.7 g/cm 2 Ni Co Fe Mn Cr Ca Ti Ar S Si CATE E CsI CATE dE Si 52 Fe 2 + -> Fe 4 + -> 2 + Preliminary
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar RISING Ge-array 15 EUROBALL cluster detectors Clusters at forward angle Large Lorentz boost ( ~0.4) Optimum Doppler shift correction Minimizing Doppler broadening Ring1 at 15.9° 70 cm Ring2 at 33.0° cm Ring3 at 36.0° cm Performances for different distances Design E = 1.0 % (FWHM) = 1.5 % Option : closest geometry E = 1.6 % (FWHM) = 2.8 %
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar FRagment Separator (FRS) Dipole magnets : B selection Fast plastic scintillator : Time of Flight (TOF) ~ 100 MeV/u 400~1000 MeV/u MUSIC : Z Multi-wire chambers : Tracking
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Relativistic Coulomb excitation with the 84 Kr primary beam Scattering angle dependence Preliminary Mainly elastic scattering Nuclear reactionCoulomb excitation Analysis by T.Saito
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Two-step fragmentation Analysis by T.Saito 58 Ni 700 MeV/u → 55 Ni 171 MeV/u on Be 0.7 g/cm 2
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar Two-step fragmentation 58 Ni 600 MeV/u → 55 Ni 171 MeV/u on Be 0.7 g/cm 2 Ni Co Fe Mn Cr Ca Ti Ar S Si CATE E CsI CATE dE Si Preliminary 54 Ni 2 + -> Ni 4 + -> 2 +
N. Saito The RISING stopped beam physics meeting 29 Mar FRagment Separator Dipole magnets : B selection Fast plastic scintillator : Time-Of-Flight (TOF) Multiwire chambers : Tracking MUSIC : Z measurement ~ 100 MeV/u ~ 1 GeV/u