Report on the Electronic theses and dissertations Forum Laura Hammons Chair, ETD Working Group TCDL Austin, TX May 27, 2009
Overview Introduction Introduction Purpose Purpose Goals Goals Session Highlights Session Highlights Conclusion Conclusion
Texas ETD Association purpose statement To provide a network of support for ETD users in the state of Texas through professional development and training, sharing of best practices; to guide future development of the TDL Thesis and Dissertation Management System, Vireo; and, to promote ETD implementation at institutions throughout the state
Texas Digital Library A center for excellence for the creation, curation, and preservation of digital scholarly information for the state
Goals (Semi-)Annual Meetings (Semi-)Annual Meetings Network Listing Network Listing Listserv Listserv Survey Texas Institutions Survey Texas Institutions Vireo Support and Training Vireo Support and Training Give Input to the Development and Prioritization of Needs in TDMS /Vireo Give Input to the Development and Prioritization of Needs in TDMS /Vireo
Session Highlights Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction Attendance and Institutional Representation Attendance and Institutional Representation Sessions Sessions
Welcome and introduction Terry Kahn, Associate Dean, UT Graduate Student Services Terry Kahn, Associate Dean, UT Graduate Student Services Laura Hammons, Chair, TDL ETD Working Group Laura Hammons, Chair, TDL ETD Working Group
Attendance and institutional representation Number of Attendees Number of Attendees Institutional Representation Institutional Representation Private Private Public Public TDL vs. non-TDL institutions TDL vs. non-TDL institutions Currently accepting ETDs Currently accepting ETDs Vireo usage Vireo usage
Session Highlights Ohio ETD Association Ohio ETD Association Introduction to the Texas ETD Association Introduction to the Texas ETD Association Creative Commons Licensing and Copyright Issues Creative Commons Licensing and Copyright Issues TDL, Thesis and Dissertation Management System/Vireo Update TDL, Thesis and Dissertation Management System/Vireo Update ProQuest/UMI Update ProQuest/UMI Update Survey of Earned Doctorates Update Survey of Earned Doctorates Update
Conclusion Lessons learned Lessons learned Feedback from participants Feedback from participants Moving forward Moving forward